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Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Goldie Fields

Goldie Fields, Editor-in-Chief Emeritus

Currently a freshman at USC, Goldie kept the Boiling Point going for her entire four years at Shalhevet, putting her heart and soul into every role and and was very proud of everything the staff produces. She started out as a staff photographer, and as she got more into it, she discovered her love for journalism, serving as Managing Editor her junior year and then as Executive Editor as a senior.

She enjoys managing and being assertive when necessary, feeling strongly about producing a well-rounded and truthful paper. She spent a gap year on the Israel and international program at Kivunim before heading across town to USC’s  Annenberg School of Communications.

All content by Goldie Fields
Dr. Weissman is known for his challenging and passionate teaching style. He also begins all of his classes with either Hasidic music or uplifting orchestral music.

Dr. Weissman is known for his challenging and passionate teaching style. He also begins all of his classes with either Hasidic...

STUDENT-LED: Boys donned tefillin during Shacharit at a recent Sephardic Minyan.  Along with girls (not shown) on the other side of the mechitzah, they are happy to pray according to their Sephardic customs.

[Photo] Students praise davening system that gives them four choices

By By Max Helfand, Staff Writer, and Mati Hurwtiz, Torah Editor
November 10, 2012

STUDENT-LED: Boys donned tefillin during Shacharit at a recent Sephardic Minyan. Along with girls (not shown) on the other side...

Grandmother of students describes Paris attack and its aftermath

Grandmother of students describes Paris attack and its aftermath

By Goldie Fields, Executive Editor
February 26, 2015

On Wednesday, Jan. 7, two Islamic terrorists forced their way into the Paris offices of Charlie Hebdo, a satirical weekly newspaper...

COUNSEL: Ms. Gruenbaum (​center) and Ms. Walls ​discuss college applications ​with Armand and Soheila Newman, parents of junior Nicole Newman​. ​

[Photo] Second Counselor Beefs Up College Advising

By Rose Lipner, Community Editor
February 3, 2015

COUNSEL: Ms. Gruenbaum (​center) and Ms. Walls ​discuss college applications ​with Armand and Soheila Newman, parents of...

Boys flag football team listens to the coach on one knee during half time Nov. 4.

[Photo] Mister Buckley

By Alec Fields, Staff Writer
December 12, 2014

Boys flag football team listens to the coach on one knee during half time Nov. 4.

WOOD: PE classes will use the polished floors of the JCC gym this year during the day, but YULA will still share it for games and practices after school.

[Photo] Not quite a home court, but PE gets a gym at JCC

November 3, 2014

WOOD: PE classes will use the polished floors of the JCC gym this year during the day, but YULA will still share it for games...

HIGHER: New support beams visible at the Shalhevet construction site rise to the level of the third-story floor, much higher than the building they are replacing.

[Photo] At school construction site, a change in the skyline

By Rose Lipner, Community Editor
October 3, 2014

HIGHER: New support beams visible at the Shalhevet construction site rise to the level of the third-story floor, much higher than...

DEBUT: Freshmen and parents listen as Rabbi Segal welcomes them to Shalhevet at the orientation barbecue Aug 26.

[Photo] School welcomes freshmen at BBQ

By Jordan Fields, Ninth Grade
September 22, 2014

DEBUT: Freshmen and parents listen as Rabbi Segal welcomes them to Shalhevet at the orientation barbecue Aug 26.

COLD: Rabbi Schwarzberg's 12th grade Gemara class learns in the JCC auditorium during heat wave week. Juniors and seniors were split up among the air conditioned rooms downstairs due to the temperature.

[Photo] It’s back to JCC after heat wave ends early

By Alexa Fishman, Editor-in-Chief
September 19, 2014

COLD: Rabbi Schwarzberg's 12th grade Gemara class learns in the JCC auditorium during heat wave week. Juniors and seniors were...

HOMEWARD: Jake Benyowitz, Nathan Benyowitz and Will Bernstein cross Olympic Boulevard on their way to the old student parking lot, across the street from the building on Fairfax

[Photo] JCC Survival Guide

September 11, 2014

HOMEWARD: Jake Benyowitz, Nathan Benyowitz and Will Bernstein cross Olympic Boulevard on their way to the old student parking...

SOLO: New Judaic Studies teacher Noey Jacobson hopes to take his singing career beyond the Maccabeats.

[Photo] Wait – my Tanakh teacher is a singing astronaut?

By Maayan Waldman, Arts & Culture Editor
September 10, 2014

SOLO: New Judaic Studies teacher Noey Jacobson hopes to take his singing career beyond the Maccabeats.

HOME FRONT:Day trips have been replaced by activities closer to the bomb shelter at the Beit Elazraki home for underprivileged kids in Netanya this summer.

In Israel’s North, staying safe means staying home for 250 underprivileged children

By Goldie Fields, Executive Editor
July 14, 2014

NETANYA, Israel, July 14 -- Only a few weeks ago was I studying arduously for finals, but today it feels like months ago. For...

TENSION: Members of CIJE, the afterschool science and technology class, watch their robots follow a taped path in Town Hall Dec. 19. Though they were programed to do so, none of the robots succesfully picked up the box at the end of the course.

[Photo] Robots compete at Town Hall in tech class demonstration

By Alexa Fishman, Community Editor
December 24, 2013

TENSION: Members of CIJE, the afterschool science and technology class, watch their robots follow a taped path in Town Hall Dec....

CLASSIC: A bubblegum-pink hallway studded with blown-up photos of Diane von Furstenberg and women in her signature wrap dresses greets visitors to LACMA West’s free exhibit.  The Journey of a Dress will be open until April 1.

Birthday for a dress: LACMA celebrates the ‘wrap’

By Goldie Fields, Managing Editor
March 9, 2014

Turning 40 is always a milestone, but for Diane von Furstenberg’s iconic wrap dress, four decades of unequaled fame in fashion...

UNITE: Lord Rabbi Jonathan Sacks tells students to start focusing on the positives in Jewish life.  He spoke at an L.A. synagogue and school on Feb. 20.

[Photo] A chosen people, but chosen for what? Rabbi Sacks answers

By Anna Gordon, Staff Writer
March 6, 2014

UNITE: Lord Rabbi Jonathan Sacks tells students to start focusing on the positives in Jewish life. He spoke at an L.A. synagogue...

SHALOM:  The Red Team, whose theme was "shalom" (peace), presents its winning banner, designed by Rachel Spronz, Eliana Hjortzberg Litov and Sarit Ashkenazi.

[Photo] Color War 2014: Blue wins close contest; confusion makes breakout a surprise after all

By Jonah Kaye, 9th Grade
February 18, 2014

SHALOM: The Red Team, whose theme was "shalom" (peace), presents its winning banner, designed by Rachel Spronz, Eliana Hjortzberg...

TOSS:  Pairs from the Red Team and the Blue Team line up to toss balloons at Rancho Park.  Though it was a close victory, the Red Team brought back the points.

TOSS: Pairs from the Red Team and the Blue Team line up to toss balloons at Rancho Park. Though it was a close victory, the...

DANCE: The Blue Team shows off its moves during Color War's Opening Ceremonies.  Though the team lost for its song and Dvar Torah, it beat out red for its dance.

DANCE: The Blue Team shows off its moves during Color War's Opening Ceremonies. Though the team lost for its song and Dvar Torah,...

JUMP: After performing its winning song, the Red Team danced to the old classic song "Jump on it," with a special spotlight on sophomores Jacob Dauer (center-left) and Micah Gill (behind Jacob).

JUMP: After performing its winning song, the Red Team danced to the old classic song "Jump on it," with a special spotlight on...

POWER: Junior Sigal Spitzer hurls the ball toward the opposing Red Team during the dodge ball game. The Red Team beat out the Blue Team by a large margin.

POWER: Junior Sigal Spitzer hurls the ball toward the opposing Red Team during the dodge ball game. The Red Team beat out the...

SHALOM:  The Red Team, whose theme was "shalom" (peace), presents its winning banner, designed by Rachel Spronz, Eliana Hjortzberg Litov and Sarit Ashkenazi.

SHALOM: The Red Team, whose theme was "shalom" (peace), presents its winning banner, designed by Rachel Spronz, Eliana Hjortzberg...

WIN: Senior Sharona Sedighim jabs past an Eagle to pass to her teammates at LA Adventist Academy Feb. 1.  The Lady Firehawks are seeded below the Eagles though they've defeated the team twice.

[Photo] Boys and Girls basketball teams both win leagues, head for CIF playoffs

By Mati Hurwitz, Sports Editor
February 17, 2014

WIN: Senior Sharona Sedighim jabs past an Eagle to pass to her teammates at LA Adventist Academy Feb. 1. The Lady Firehawks are...

LUNAR: Yariv Bash presents his Tel Aviv-based company to students in a special assembly Jan. 29. His project, SpaceIL, aims to send a rover to the moon as part of Google's Lunar X Prize competition.

[Photo] SpaceIL is attempting to put an Israeli rover on the moon

February 16, 2014

LUNAR: Yariv Bash presents his Tel Aviv-based company to students in a special assembly Jan. 29. His project, SpaceIL, aims to...

FINALS:  Bracha Bee finalists (from left to right) Yakov Sobel, Daniel Soroudi, Nicole Soussana, and Ephraim Drucker listen intently to Rabbi Ari Schwarzberg as he asks the final few questions in Color War's first-ever Bracha Bee.  The Blue Team brought home a victory thanks to freshman Nicole, who rightfully knew that chocolate-covered peanuts require an "adama" blessing.

FINALS: Bracha Bee finalists (from left to right) Yakov Sobel, Daniel Soroudi, Nicole Soussana, and Ephraim Drucker listen intently...

DANCE: The Blue Team shows off its moves during Color War's Opening Ceremonies.  Though the team lost for its song and Dvar Torah, it beat out red for its dance.

DANCE: The Blue Team shows off its moves during Color War's Opening Ceremonies. Though the team lost for its song and Dvar Torah,...

JUMP: After performing its winning song, the Red Team danced to the old classic song "Jump on it," with a special spotlight on sophomores Jacob Dauer (center-left) and Micah Gill (behind Jacob).

JUMP: After performing its winning song, the Red Team danced to the old classic song "Jump on it," with a special spotlight on...

TOSS:  Pairs from the Red Team and the Blue Team line up to toss balloons at Rancho Park.  Though it was a close victory, the Red Team brought back the points.

TOSS: Pairs from the Red Team and the Blue Team line up to toss balloons at Rancho Park. Though it was a close victory, the...

POWER: Junior Sigal Spitzer hurls the ball toward the opposing Red Team during the dodge ball game.  The Red Team beat out the Blue Team by a large margin.

POWER: Junior Sigal Spitzer hurls the ball toward the opposing Red Team during the dodge ball game. The Red Team beat out the...

POWER: Junior Sigal Spitzer hurls the ball toward the opposing Red Team during the dodge ball game.  The Red Team beat out the Blue Team by a large margin.

POWER: Junior Sigal Spitzer hurls the ball toward the opposing Red Team during the dodge ball game. The Red Team beat out the...

SHALOM:  The Red Team, whose theme was "shalom" (peace), presents its winning banner, designed by Rachel Spronz, Eliana Hjortzberg Litov and Sarit Ashkenazi.

SHALOM: The Red Team, whose theme was "shalom" (peace), presents its winning banner, designed by Rachel Spronz, Eliana Hjortzberg...

FINALS:  Bracha Bee finalists (from left to right) Yakov Sobel, Daniel Soroudi, Nicole Soussana, and Ephraim Drucker listen intently to Rabbi Ari Schwarzberg as he asks the final few questions in Color War's first-ever Bracha Bee.  The Blue Team brought home a victory thanks to freshman Nicole, who rightfully knew that chocolate-covered peanuts require an "adama" blessing.

FINALS: Bracha Bee finalists (from left to right) Yakov Sobel, Daniel Soroudi, Nicole Soussana, and Ephraim Drucker listen intently...

DANCE: The Blue Team shows off its moves during Color War's Opening Ceremonies.  Though the team lost for its song and Dvar Torah, it beat out red for its dance.

DANCE: The Blue Team shows off its moves during Color War's Opening Ceremonies. Though the team lost for its song and Dvar Torah,...

JUMP: After performing its winning song, the Red Team danced to the old classic song "Jump on it," with a special spotlight on sophomores Jacob Dauer (center-left) and Micah Gill (behind Jacob).

JUMP: After performing its winning song, the Red Team danced to the old classic song "Jump on it," with a special spotlight on...

TOSS:  Pairs from the Red Team and the Blue Team line up to toss balloons at Rancho Park.  Though it was a close victory, the Red Team brought back the points.

TOSS: Pairs from the Red Team and the Blue Team line up to toss balloons at Rancho Park. Though it was a close victory, the...

POWER: Junior Sigal Spitzer hurls the ball toward the opposing Red Team during the dodge ball game.  The Red Team beat out the Blue Team by a large margin.

POWER: Junior Sigal Spitzer hurls the ball toward the opposing Red Team during the dodge ball game. The Red Team beat out the...

SHALOM:  The Red Team, whose theme was "shalom" (peace), presents its winning banner, designed by Rachel Spronz, Eliana Hjortzberg Litov and Sarit Ashkenazi.

SHALOM: The Red Team, whose theme was "shalom" (peace), presents its winning banner, designed by Rachel Spronz, Eliana Hjortzberg...

WELCOME:  Ms. Jennifer Kong, Shalhevet's newest math teacher, visited with a very happy Mr. Danovitch after signing her contract in his office last Friday.

[Photo] New math teacher, Ms. Jennifer Kong, joins faculty for second semester

January 20, 2014

WELCOME: Ms. Jennifer Kong, Shalhevet's newest math teacher, visited with a very happy Mr. Danovitch after signing her contract...

DENIED: Seniors’college rejection letters are now posted in Ms. Walls’ college counseling office.

[Photo] ‘Wall of Shame’ is up, out of public eye

DENIED: Seniors’college rejection letters are now posted in Ms. Walls’ college counseling office.

GROOMED: History teacher Mr.
Reusch displays his award-winning mustache,
grown in 30 days in November.

[Photo] More hair, more money: Students and teachers raise funds for ‘Movember’

By Alec Fields, Staff Writer
January 18, 2014

GROOMED: History teacher Mr. Reusch displays his award-winning mustache, grown in 30 days in November.

INBOUND: Sophomore Jacob Dauer tries to inbound the basketball against Ariel Sokol of YULA in the annual rivalry game. The girls’ team played before the boys and won 59-40, while the boys lost 62-36.

[Photo] Split decision as Lady Firehawks beat YULA while boys fall short

By Noah Rothman, Staff Writer
January 18, 2014

INBOUND: Sophomore Jacob Dauer tries to inbound the basketball against Ariel Sokol of YULA in the annual rivalry game. The girls’...

INSPIRING: Rabbi Meir Soloveitchik engaged students with smiles Dec. 12.

[Photo] Rabbi Meir Soloveitchik emphasizes Begin’s legacy of nationalism in Beit Midrash talk

By Eric Bazak, Staff Writer
January 13, 2014

INSPIRING: Rabbi Meir Soloveitchik engaged students with smiles Dec. 12.

BOYS: Freshmen Zev Kent, Ezra Fax and Isaac Goor put on their tefillin at Shacharit.

[Photo] Mother and daughter who sparked tefillin debate respond to Rabbi Segal’s decision

By Noah Rothman, Staff Writer
November 17, 2013

BOYS: Freshmen Zev Kent, Ezra Fax and Isaac Goor put on their tefillin at Shacharit.

CHANGE: Wearing custom t-shirts, the Choirhawks performed Ingrid Michaelson’s hit “The Way I Am” at their concert June 9. The group has added more pop, along with beat-boxing by Jake Benyowitz (at top right, above), to its song list.

[Photo] Newly named ‘Choirhawks’ are all pop and spirit

By Adam Rokah, Arts and Culture Editor
November 27, 2013

CHANGE: Wearing custom t-shirts, the Choirhawks performed Ingrid Michaelson’s hit “The Way I Am” at their concert June 9....

DELAYED: Plans for Shalhevet's new three-story building are still tucked away near Robyn Lewis’s office.

[Photo] New building won’t open before January 2015

By Alexa Fishman, Community Editor
November 25, 2013

DELAYED: Plans for Shalhevet's new three-story building are still tucked away near Robyn Lewis’s office.

STORED: Architect's mock-up of Shalhevet's planned new building, a three-story modern structure with indoor gym, spiral staircase, natural light and rooftop art, music, sports and prayer spaces, are tucked away in Executive Director Robyn Lewis's office while the Los Angeles city zoning and permit process play out.

[Photo] Delayed by permit process, new building won’t open until 2015, Rabbi Segal says

November 19, 2013

STORED: Architect's mock-up of Shalhevet's planned new building, a three-story modern structure with indoor gym, spiral staircase,...

Student journalists from the Boiling Point, and the JCHS Observer debrief together after a series of workshops at the first ever JSPA convention at Bnai David Judea.

[Photo] Student journalists make history at JSPA conference

November 14, 2013

Student journalists from the Boiling Point, and the JCHS Observer debrief together after a series of workshops at the first ever...

CAFFEINE: Boaz Willis serves fellow sophomore Micah Gill a cup of coffee from Bo's Barista Bar two weeks ago.  The Bar is set to reopen on Nov. 11.

[Photo] ‘Bo’s Barista Bar’ to reopen even though Starbucks is no longer closed

CAFFEINE: Boaz Willis serves fellow sophomore Micah Gill a cup of coffee from Bo's Barista Bar two weeks ago. The Bar is set...

BOYS: Bennett Schneir and Micah Gill actually have a lot to think about when they’re getting dressed.

BOYS: Bennett Schneir and Micah Gill actually have a lot to think about when they’re getting dressed.

DIG: The Feders, Gills, Friedmans, and Rabbi Segal wield symbolic shovels at a mock ground-breaking for the new building last June. Shalhevet's new name will be the Jean and Jerry Friedman Shalhevet High School

[Photo] School will add founders and donors to its name next year

By Sarah Soroudi, Editor-in-Chief, and Tamar Willis, Deputy Editor-in-Chief
October 8, 2013

DIG: The Feders, Gills, Friedmans, and Rabbi Segal wield symbolic shovels at a mock ground-breaking for the new building last...

CONNECT: Dr. Noel said she likes Los Angeles because people are "more courteous" here than they are in New York.

CONNECT: Dr. Noel said she likes Los Angeles because people are "more courteous" here than they are in New York.

EXCITED: Math teacher Mrs. Gina Fuller appreciates the ‘closer ties’ in Shalhevet’s community.

[Photo] Subbing job brings Mrs. Fuller, formerly of Milken, out of retirement to stay

October 14, 2013

EXCITED: Math teacher Mrs. Gina Fuller appreciates the ‘closer ties’ in Shalhevet’s community.

START: Center and co-captain Mati Hurwitz snaps the football to quarterback Jacob Dauer in the first-ever Boys Flag Football game at LACES Sept. 17.

[Photo] Quarterbacks shine in debut games as both Flag Football teams fall to LA Adventist

By Noah Rothman, Staff Writer
September 18, 2013

START: Center and co-captain Mati Hurwitz snaps the football to quarterback Jacob Dauer in the first-ever Boys Flag Football game...

Jews around the world construct huts such as this one to prepare for the weeklong holiday.

[Photo] SUKKOT: Why be happy?

September 17, 2013

Jews around the world construct huts such as this one to prepare for the weeklong holiday.

CAMPAIGN: Hannah-Leeba Ellenhorn addressed Town Hall Sept. 12 after showing a video promoting her candidacy.

[Photo] Ellenhorn, Merritt, Kligerman elected Just Community chairs

By Rose Lipner, Staff Writer
September 16, 2013

CAMPAIGN: Hannah-Leeba Ellenhorn addressed Town Hall Sept. 12 after showing a video promoting her candidacy.

TRAFFIC: Residents of Barrows Drive, which goes west from Fairfax opposite Shalhevet, are afraid school traffic will clog their street in spite of no-left-turn and no entry signs.

[Photo] City zoning official approves building plans, but neighborhood group may still appeal

By Alexa Fishman, Community Editor
September 13, 2013

TRAFFIC: Residents of Barrows Drive, which goes west from Fairfax opposite Shalhevet, are afraid school traffic will clog their...

TEKIAH: Students said they feel awe and amazement along with gratefulness, reflection and repentance when they hear the shofar.

[Photo] BP POLL: What do you think about when you hear the shofar?

September 10, 2013

TEKIAH: Students said they feel awe and amazement along with gratefulness, reflection and repentance when they hear the shofar.

DIVIDER: Construction in the main hallway last week began to close off the north end of the building, planned for demolition to make way for a new three-story campus. Demolition of the unused part of the building may begin next month.

[Photo] Construction on new building may start in early October, board president says

September 3, 2013

DIVIDER: Construction in the main hallway last week began to close off the north end of the building, planned for demolition to...

BELIEVE: Dov Rosenblatt educates upperclassmen about prayer in the singing minyan.

BELIEVE: Dov Rosenblatt educates upperclassmen about prayer in the singing minyan.

SPICE: Shalhevet's choir sang pop songs with beatboxing and even some choreography at its concert May 29.  Freshman Jake Benyowitz, at top right, provided the percussion.

[Photo] From the newly-dubbed ‘Choirhawks,’ something new and then some

June 12, 2013

SPICE: Shalhevet's choir sang pop songs with beatboxing and even some choreography at its concert May 29. Freshman Jake Benyowitz,...

EDUCATION: Junior  Tamar Willis, who leads Shalhevet's chapter of Girls Learn International, believes world awareness of women's problems can help solve them.

[Photo] New club screens film on problems facing world’s women

By By Kalil Eden, Editor-in-Chief, and Max Helfand, Staff Writer
June 3, 2013

EDUCATION: Junior Tamar Willis, who leads Shalhevet's chapter of Girls Learn International, believes world awareness of women's...

NEW: Great sandwiches just east of Robertson

[Photo] RESTAURANT REVIEW: Sand-Which Bar shows good food is good business on Pico

By Alexa Fishman, Features Editor
June 3, 2013

NEW: Great sandwiches just east of Robertson

GETTING READY: Maintenance chief Jose Flores applied new paint to a hallway in the Annex.

[Photo] Permits are late, but Larry Gill says that won’t delay construction of new campus

By Alexa Fishman, Features Editor
June 5, 2013

GETTING READY: Maintenance chief Jose Flores applied new paint to a hallway in the Annex.

ENERGY: Yosef says there's no contradiction between being religious and being cool.

[Photo] The Journey of Yosef Nemanpour

By Adam Rokah, Staff Writer
June 2, 2013

ENERGY: Yosef says there's no contradiction between being religious and being cool.

REDO: Judaic Studies Director Reb Noam Weissman pitched in as members of the Class of '13 repainted hallways walls after Senior Prank.

[Photo] Paint confusion sabotages senior prank

By Tamar Willis, Outside News Editor
May 31, 2013

REDO: Judaic Studies Director Reb Noam Weissman pitched in as members of the Class of '13 repainted hallways walls after Senior...

NEW FOCUS: Mr. Jason Feld, who spearheaded the new program, said it would better address the causes of stress and anxiety.

[Photo] Aviva Walls named new college counselor; Mr. Feld takes Mr. Ablin’s post

May 14, 2013

NEW FOCUS: Mr. Jason Feld, who spearheaded the new program, said it would better address the causes of stress and anxiety.

FOCUS: During Shacharit earlier this month, freshman Eric Bazak read the prayer for the sick as Reb Tuli Skaist looked on.  It was added earlier this year after parents of several students were diagnosed with serious illness.

[Photo] Does prayer work? Yes – and maybe

By Mati Hurwitz, Torah Editor
May 14, 2013

FOCUS: During Shacharit earlier this month, freshman Eric Bazak read the prayer for the sick as Reb Tuli Skaist looked on. It...

LOOKING BEYOND: Dr. Mercer hopes students learned that "success in high school doesn’t hinge on getting into well-known colleges." He will not be returning next year.

[Photo] Dr. Steven Mercer, who broadened college options, will expand his consulting practice

By Sarah Sorudi, Community Editor
May 9, 2013

LOOKING BEYOND: Dr. Mercer hopes students learned that "success in high school doesn’t hinge on getting into well-known colleges."...

RUNOFF: Eric Garcetti, candidate for mayor, reading The Boiling Point at a private fundraiser in Hancock Park in March. Election Day is next Tuesday.

[Photo] Eric Garcetti, who would be LA’s first Jewish mayor, defends his record at event in Hancock Park

By Daniel Steinberg, Staff Writer
April 14, 2013

RUNOFF: Eric Garcetti, candidate for mayor, reading The Boiling Point at a private fundraiser in Hancock Park in March. Election...

DIVORCE: PLO ambassador Maen Areikat said there was "no future" for Israelis and Palestinians living together. But he believes there will be peace in his lifetime, with a two-state solution.

[Photo] PLO ambassador tells JCC audience that separation is the key to peace

By Tamar WIllis, Outside News Editor
March 13, 2013

DIVORCE: PLO ambassador Maen Areikat said there was "no future" for Israelis and Palestinians living together. But he believes...

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