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Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Gaby Benelyahu

Gaby Benelyahu, Acting Photo Editor

Gaby Benelyahu is the current photo editor of the Boiling Point. She is now in 11th grade and is involved in many sports and organizations such as the volleyball team, basketball team, YACHAD and much more! This year, Gaby has started the Fashion Club at school. She loves art and working with kids but she especially loves photography and Boiling Point! She loves capturing moments and memories for different articles.

All content by Gaby Benelyahu
ORGANIC: Instabrand tries to make the advertisements on social media seem natural and interesting. Above and at left, promoters carry 40 pounds to raise awareness about water shortages in Africa.

[Photo] From promoting a pair of jeans, a $2.5 million company

By Nicole Soussana, Staff Writer
July 11, 2016

ORGANIC: Instabrand tries to make the advertisements on social media seem natural and interesting. Above and at left, promoters...

Caption: PRIVELAGED: Mrs. Skaist said that leading the meditation minyan at Shalhevet was an honor.

[Photo] Known for personal touch, Ruthie Skaist leaves to pursue painting

By Abby Blumofe, Staff Writer
June 14, 2016

Caption: PRIVELAGED: Mrs. Skaist said that leading the meditation minyan at Shalhevet was an honor.

NOT YET: The student parking lot on San Vicente (left) will still be occupied by Alliance Residential complex next year.  Construction site is at right.

[Photo] Over summer, school to increase classrooms and fix plumbing; student parking lot will still be unavailable

By Jacob Feitelberg, Staff Writer
June 14, 2016

NOT YET: The student parking lot on San Vicente (left) will still be occupied by Alliance Residential complex next year. Construction...

LEAVING: Ms. Amy Sirkis taught AP Chemistry, Chemistry, Physics, and the after-school CIJE engineering course.

[Photo] Teacher departures will change science course offerings next year

By Eric Bazak, Editor-in-Chief
June 14, 2016

LEAVING: Ms. Amy Sirkis taught AP Chemistry, Chemistry, Physics, and the after-school CIJE engineering course.

LEAVING: Dr. Melissa Noel did research on fetal alcohol syndrome before becoming a teacher.

[Photo] Dr. Noel will not return next year

By Hannah Jannol, Arts & Culture Editor
May 31, 2016

LEAVING: Dr. Melissa Noel did research on fetal alcohol syndrome before becoming a teacher.

SIGNED: Shalhevet's original Just Community Constitution was signed by students, faculty and administrators in 2002.

[Photo] Original Shalhevet Constitution: Complete Text

May 18, 2016

SIGNED: Shalhevet's original Just Community Constitution was signed by students, faculty and administrators in 2002.

ABRIDGED: The Just Community Constitution that hangs outside second-floor administrative offices contains less than a third of the original document.

[Photo] School constitution is found, envisioning a democracy similar and different

By Alec Fields, Torah Editor
May 18, 2016

ABRIDGED: The Just Community Constitution that hangs outside second-floor administrative offices contains less than a third of...

PROTECT: Pete Pietry watches at gate. He is one of four new security guards part of the security group.

[Photo] Change of pace for new security head who was embassy guard in Iraq

By Jacob Feitelberg, Staff Writer
May 3, 2016

PROTECT: Pete Pietry watches at gate. He is one of four new security guards part of the security group.

ADJUSTMENT: Rabbi David Stein, teaching his 11th-grade Gemara class, is co-author with Reb Weissman of Shalhevet's acclaimed Lahav Talmud curriculum. “Maybe we need to spend more time paying attention to halacha l’maaseh,” he said.

[Photo] Girl leading Kiddush was a mistake, school says

May 10, 2016

ADJUSTMENT: Rabbi David Stein, teaching his 11th-grade Gemara class, is co-author with Reb Weissman of Shalhevet's acclaimed Lahav...

The now Genius Bar will convert into a classroom next year. It will primarily house science and math classes in addition to the robotics club.

[Photo] Second floor Genius Bar will transform into classroom next year

By Lucy Fried, Staff Writer
April 18, 2016

The now Genius Bar will convert into a classroom next year. It will primarily house science and math classes in addition to the...

Hundreds gathered inside the gym on a Saturday night to hear rabbis agree and argue. From left, Rabbi Yosef Kanefsky, Rabbi Pini Dunner, Rabbi Adam Kligfeld and Rabbi Sharon Brous, with Rabbi Schwarzberg.

[Photo] Cross-denominational discussion hosted by Institute

February 1, 2016

Hundreds gathered inside the gym on a Saturday night to hear rabbis agree and argue. From left, Rabbi Yosef Kanefsky, Rabbi Pini...

BUSY: Israeli  Minister of Science, Technology and Space,  Ofir Akunis, spoke to an all-school assembly Feb. 8, as Consul General David Siegel looked on.  Minister Akunis was in the U.S. to work on research and space agreements.

[Photo] Israeli Cabinet Minister tells assembly of joint stem cell research with California

By Benjamin Zaghi, Staff Writer
April 13, 2016

BUSY: Israeli Minister of Science, Technology and Space, Ofir Akunis, spoke to an all-school assembly Feb. 8, as Consul General...

INSTRUCT: English teacher Ms. Devon O'Brien with senior Laly Chriki during the college essay workshop earlier this year.  Ms. O'Brien has interviewed celebrities including Emma Thompson and Nicole Kidman for the Los Angeles Times.

[Photo] Skaist, O’Brien not returning for 2016-17

By Eric Bazak and Ma’ayan Waldman
March 22, 2016

INSTRUCT: English teacher Ms. Devon O'Brien with senior Laly Chriki during the college essay workshop earlier this year. Ms....

SOLIDARITY: Students  watch broadcast of Ezra Schwartz's shloshim in gym Dec. 21. Schools watching around the world could see one another.

[Photo] Worldwide video chat remembers terror victim Ezra Schwartz

By Sadie Toczek, Staff Writer
February 16, 2016

SOLIDARITY: Students watch broadcast of Ezra Schwartz's shloshim in gym Dec. 21. Schools watching around the world could see...

TAKE DOWN: Students watch as Mr. Reusch performs Russian 2-on-1, a jiu jiutsu move, on senior Daniel Soroudi.

[Photo] Grappling club teaches athletes to fight with their minds, not just their strength

By Will Kasdan, Staff Writer
February 15, 2016

TAKE DOWN: Students watch as Mr. Reusch performs Russian 2-on-1, a jiu jiutsu move, on senior Daniel Soroudi.

INNOVATION: Founder Seiji Shaw works with team members to build the base of the robot.  Club several times a week to prepare for the competition that will take place March 10.

[Photo] Junior transfer student spearheads first robotics team

By Benjamin Zaghi and Rose Lipner
February 7, 2016

INNOVATION: Founder Seiji Shaw works with team members to build the base of the robot. Club several times a week to prepare for...

GOLDEN: Tourists and other spectators recorded the Choirhawks' flashmob In a park overlooking the north end of the Golden Gate bridge Dec. 4 in the middle of their Bay Area Chanukah performance tour.

[Photo] In first-ever trip, choir spreads Jewish a capella to Bay Area

By Lucy Fried, Staff Writer
December 29, 2015

GOLDEN: Tourists and other spectators recorded the Choirhawks' flashmob In a park overlooking the north end of the Golden Gate...

VOTING: General Studies Principal Mr. Daniel Weslow collected ballots from freshmen in grade-level representative elections for Fairness, Agenda and SAC. A committee of six students set the structure of this year's elections.

[Photo] Unannounced committee of six students set election protocol

By Eric Bazak, Editor-in-Chief
December 3, 2015

VOTING: General Studies Principal Mr. Daniel Weslow collected ballots from freshmen in grade-level representative elections for...

WINNER: Senior Nicole Newman poses next to her prize, a spot for a month in the on-campus staff parking lot.

[Photo] Senior fundraiser auctions off parking spot

By Abby Blumoffe, Staff Writer
November 22, 2015

WINNER: Senior Nicole Newman poses next to her prize, a spot for a month in the on-campus staff parking lot.

DANCE: Students celebrate with new Torah donated by Stacey Kent (center) and family after watching scribe Ronnie Siegar pen the last three words.

[Photo] School gathers to celebrate newly completed Torah

By Nicole Soussana, Staff Writer
November 21, 2015

DANCE: Students celebrate with new Torah donated by Stacey Kent (center) and family after watching scribe Ronnie Siegar pen the...

DEVISING: Ezra Fax, Eitan Schramm and Tania Bohbot work with Ms. Chase to produce two of the five one-act plays.

[Photo] Drama prepares for one-acts in new theater

By Rose Lipner and Sadie Toczeck
November 18, 2015

DEVISING: Ezra Fax, Eitan Schramm and Tania Bohbot work with Ms. Chase to produce two of the five one-act plays.

FUEL: Hashkama students take breakfast from the new, healthier selection. Items available on different days include almonds, Greek yogurt, fruit and protein bars.

[Photo] Sugar cereal breakfast bites the dust

By Eva Suissa, Staff Writer
November 16, 2015

FUEL: Hashkama students take breakfast from the new, healthier selection. Items available on different days include almonds, Greek...

SKILLS: Led by seniors Eric Bazak, Shirel Benji and Laly Chriki, students meeting in the Beit Midrash considered school problems using  various techniques and moral perspectives.

[Photo] Ten hours in 10 days devoted to reinvigorating the Just Community

November 9, 2015

SKILLS: Led by seniors Eric Bazak, Shirel Benji and Laly Chriki, students meeting in the Beit Midrash considered school problems...

TRIBES:  Above, the Beit Midrash hosts Hashkama minyan and a 9th-10th grade minyan, while the 11th-12th grade minyan is in the Beit Knesset next door.  Twelve small windows represent the 12 tribes Below, the wooden Aron in the Beit Midrash.

[Photo] Just Community to take up davening

By Alec Fields, Torah Editor
September 17, 2015

TRIBES: Above, the Beit Midrash hosts Hashkama minyan and a 9th-10th grade minyan, while the 11th-12th grade minyan is in the...

COLLABORATION: Another teacher with a lot of experience, Ms. Greeman adjusts her teaching style depending on her class and students.

[Photo] A return trip to classroom for new math teacher

By Will Kasdan, Staff Writer
September 11, 2015

COLLABORATION: Another teacher with a lot of experience, Ms. Greeman adjusts her teaching style depending on her class and students....

PICO: The intersection of Pico Blvd, and Wooster, where Elat Market is located, was ranked No. 19 in a Los Angeles Times study of the most accident-prone intersections for pedestrians in L.A. County. Seventeen people were injured there between 2002 and 2013.

[Photo] Accident shines light on dangerous intersections

By Maayan Waldman, Community Editor
September 15, 2015

PICO: The intersection of Pico Blvd, and Wooster, where Elat Market is located, was ranked No. 19 in a Los Angeles Times study...

HELPER: Ms. Ashley Evins is interested in making school work for all kinds of learners.

[Photo] A change of demographic for student support leader

By Will Kasdan, Staff Writer
September 10, 2015

HELPER: Ms. Ashley Evins is interested in making school work for all kinds of learners.

ROOFTOP: Ninth graders carrying folders with their new schedules get head to the spiral staircase to tour the building at Freshman Orientation Aug. 26.  Most of the program was held on the rooftop patio under Chinese lanterns.

[Photo] Up on the roof, Freshman Orientation turns reflective

By Eva Suissa, 9th Grade
September 8, 2015

SWEET: Junior Jordan Levine serves up cotton candy to freshmen on the rooftop patio Aug. 25 during Freshman Orientation.

SCHOLAR: Ms. Ilana Wilner has two master's degrees, one in education and the other in

[Photo] New Judaic Studies teacher views text from the inside out

By Alec Fields, Torah Editor
September 6, 2015

SCHOLAR: Ms. Ilana Wilner has two master's degrees, one in education and the other in

INSTRUCT: English teacher Ms. Devon O'Brien with senior Laly Chriki during the college essay workshop last month.  Ms. O'Brien has interviewed celebrities including Emma Thompson and Nicole Kidman for the Los Angeles Times.

[Photo] Playwright, actress, journalist and former model joins English Department

By Hannah Jannol, Staff Writer
September 4, 2015

INSTRUCT: English teacher Ms. Devon O'Brien with senior Laly Chriki during the college essay workshop last month. Ms. O'Brien...

PAINT: All Art classes will meet in the brand new Art room on the third floor. The Music room is right next door.

[Photo] Airy, light and surprisingly tranquil, new building opens a new era

By Eric Bazak, Editor-in-Chief
August 30, 2015

PAINT: All Art classes will meet in the brand new Art room on the third floor. The Music room is right next door.

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