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Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Lucy Fried

Lucy Fried, Co Editor-in-Chief Emeritus

Lucy Fried was co-editor-in-chief during the 2018-19 school year and went on to study at the Hartman Institute in Jerusalem. She is now a junior at UC Berkeley.

All content by Lucy Fried
THOUGHT: Voters considered how to rank candidates in last Tuesday’s Just Community elections in the gym.  Races with more than two candidates were tallied according to an “instant runoff” system.

Open Fairness hearing Friday morning will consider possible change to Fairness Chair election outcome

The Fairness Committee will hold an open hearing this morning to decide whether to change the outcome of this week’s election...

FEAT: Adam Ritz, center, had to sync his lines with the pre-recorded projections of other characters, including a recorded version of himself.

Connecting the disconnected in ‘Technical Difficulties’

By Lucy Fried, Co-Editor-in-Chief
May 7, 2019

With an overarching title of Technical Difficulties, the seven original plays in this year’s One-acts Festival all explored...

REMOTE:   New Nest brand temperature controls are operated by an app.

New thermostats bring hope for stable temperatures

By Lucy Fried, Co-Editor-in-Chief
March 19, 2019

After four years of fluctuating temperatures that have left students and faculty alternately sweating or reaching for a sweater,...

Getting paid on Shabbat: The work is fun, but is it legal?

Getting paid on Shabbat: The work is fun, but is it legal?

By Lucy Fried, Co-Editor-in-Chief
March 8, 2019

On a typical Shabbat morning in a typical synagogue in Los Angeles, dozens of small children are chatting and giggling, playing...

OUTBREAK:   Harvard Westlake school has had 30 cases of pertussis among their 1,600 students at its upper and middle school campuses. Above, the Upper School is in Studio City.
 BP Photo from

Pertussis spreads to Harvard-Westlake and two other schools besides Shalhevet, protocols differ

By Lucy Fried, Co-Editor-in-Chief
March 5, 2019

There were at least five documented cases of pertussis among Shalhevet students last fall, and a continuing outbreak at Harvard-Westlake...

CANCELLED:  Choirhawk practice was cancelled until after three of 23 singers were diagnosed with pertussis. Dr. Julie Higashi of the LA County Health Department said singing could make the virus easier to spread.

Health department adds another three weeks to babysitting ban as two more whooping cough cases are reported at school

By Lucy Fried, Co-Editor-in-Chief
January 1, 2019

A fifth documented case of pertussis among Shalhevet students diagnosed Dec. 7 extended the dates recommended to avoid babysitting...

BACTERIA: Bordetella Pertussis bacteria are responsible for the disease known as whooping cough.  It is easily cured with antibiotics, which can be given even before a diagnosis is confirmed.

Third case of whooping cough diagnosed at school

By Lucy Fried, Co-Editor-in-Chief
November 29, 2018

A third Shalhevet student has been diagnosed with pertussis, extending the time recommended for students to avoid babysitting...

SAFE:    Dr. Julie Higashi, an infectious disease specialist and assistant health officer with the Los Angeles County Health Department, said Shalhevet students should stay away from teachers' babies until the pertussis outbreak is over. Seven staff members now have babies under the age of 1.

Shalhevet students should not babysit infants until Nov. 30, Health Department official recommends

By Lucy Fried, Co-Editor-in-Chief
November 18, 2018

This past month, there have been two cases of pertussis, also known as whooping cough, among Shalhevet students. While pertussis...

Call for emails to senators starts dispute over politics on Schoology

By Lucy Fried and Jacob Joseph Lefkowitz Brooks
November 13, 2018

Some have called the past two years the most divided time in American history. Last month, that division spilled onto Schoology...

 Meeting during Period E in Room 304, Rabbanit Henkin said future leaders of Jewish learning would come from today’s talmidot, or female students of Torah.

Rabbanit tells senior girls: ‘We need you within the Torah world’

By Lucy Fried, Co-Editor-In-Chief
October 23, 2018

'In the 12th century, there was no holiday of Simchat Torah. In the 14th century, it was celebrated in part by pre-bar-mitzvah-age...

SPACE:    Technology Director Nick Parsons has a newly built office that used to be part of a wider hallway. Five teachers also got their own offices for the first time this year. BP photo by Neima Fax.

Summer construction: New colors, better acoustics and a space for non-profits at school

By Lucy Fried, Co-Editor-In-Chief
October 11, 2018

Artwork lines the basement hallway, red accents paint the pipes, and new offices mean more teachers now have...

ROLE:    Ms. Atara Segal plans to be a role model for both boys and girls.

Her training completed, Yoetzet Segal finds new ways to teach and relate to students, female and male

By Tobey Lee and Lucy Fried
October 3, 2018

This story won a Best of SNO award. Last month in Israel, Ms. Atara Segal, who has been teaching Tanakh, Talmud, and Statistics...

SHIRA: Sophomore Ronnie Seruya, left, says even singing is different at Camp Stone, a “unique environment.”

At summer camp, students find a lab for religious diversity

By Lucy Fried, Co-Editor-in-Chief
September 17, 2018

In the sunset hours of Shabbat, campers at Camp Stone in Pennsylvania gather for slow shira, or singing, much like the one on...

PSYCH:  Mr. Shavalian published a research paper as a Psychology student at Yeshiva University.  BP photo by Zoey Botnick

New College Counselor plans to advise from personal experience

By Lucy Fried, Co-Editor-in-Chief
September 5, 2018

  Raised in a traditional Persian family in Los Angeles, new college counselor and SAS Psychology teacher Mr. Eli Shavalian...

BP photo by Neima Fax

Student parking lot to reopen, seniors will have priority

By Lucy Fried, Torah Editor
June 7, 2018

After four years of time-consuming and often expensive student improvisation to find parking spots -- including paying upwards...

REMEMBRANCE: At top left corner of poster, the “Wo” is crossed out in “Women of Black History.” It was one of several that were vandalized in second-floor hallways.

Posters of women for Black History Month are vandalized

By Lucy Fried, Torah Editor
May 11, 2018

One Friday morning, junior Honor Fuchs discovered that posters she had hung up throughout the second floor hallway...

  FOCUSED: Sophomore Kikuyo Shaw took notes during Rabbi David Block’s Gemara class last fall. All schools surveyed grade their Judaic Studies, classes, but some, including Shalhevet, offer additional Judaic learning with different or no incentives.

Can it be for God when it’s for a grade?

By Lucy Fried, Torah Editor
May 7, 2018

Enter a Shalhevet Judaic studies class at any given moment and you may hear the term “learning lishma”  or “learning for...

SAFE: Members of the Red and Green teams ran to their partners' laps as they tried to stay in the game.

COLOR WAR: Disputed call gave ‘Coke – Pepsi’ game to the seniors; juniors still have not conceded

By Molly Litvak and Lucy Fried
April 3, 2018
The stakes were high as a sea of students, each grade wearing a different color, flooded into the gym for the last event of the first day of Color War. The whole school was there, some 250 students and about 50 staff. Seniors wore purple, juniors wore red, sophomores wore green and freshman wore black.
You are what you DON'T eat

You are what you DON’T eat

By Lucy Fried, Features Editor
February 9, 2018

A 21st-century family dinner may feature vastly different plates of food than it did 10 years ago, with two vegetarian parents,...

BURNED: Ari Rosenthal's home in Santa Rosa was completely destroyed on the night of Oct. 9,  during chol hamoed Sukkot.  He and his family all escaped unharmed and are now sharing a friend's one-bedroom apartment in Berkeley.

Q & A with Ari Rosenthal: Evening of homework became a night of fire

By Lucy Fried, Features Editor
November 16, 2017
Ari Rosenthal, now a senior at Jewish Community High School of the Bay in downtown San Francisco, narrowly escaped last month’s deadly fires in …
The class of 2019 hears from the rabbi in the gutted sanctuary of United Orthodox Synagogue.

With hammers and heart, juniors help rebuild Houston on chesed trip

By Lucy Fried, Features Editor
November 8, 2017

At midnight Aug. 26, Maya Wadler was the only member of her family awake as rains pounded the streets and water seeped through...

SMOKE: In Santa Rosa, in Northern California, 2,834 homes burned in devastating October fires. Schools were closed for three weeks, students fell behind in their APs, and college plans were changed. Above, a hopeful sign in downtown Santa Rosa.

College applications and SATs take a back seat for disaster victims

By Lucy Fried, Features Editor
October 31, 2017

For 12th-grade students, the impending college or gap year experience can consume one’s mind, and becomes the theme of every...

Chem teacher and new Science Department Chair fell for Jewish religion

Chem teacher and new Science Department Chair fell for Jewish religion

By Lucy Fried, Features Editor
September 24, 2017
Coming into a school that has seen six science teachers depart in the last five years, new department chair Mr. Pavel Lieb is adamant that Shalhevet’s Science team be given the tools needed to do their best work. This year, the department includes him and Dr. Elizabeth Basheer, who is also new to Shalhevet.
Is Reading Being Replaced?

Is Reading Being Replaced?

By Lucy Fried, Features Editor
September 24, 2017
With so much to watch and so much to do, a long-loved pastime seems to be fading away--though it still has its fans.
Shalhevet seniors Maya Schechter, left, and Naomi Bijou, right, were assigned to the same camper last summer at Camp Chesed in Reseda. "When you're doing this, it's really just for the soul of it," said Maya, who worked there last summer as well.

Students learn swimming, sports, empathy at special needs camps

By Lucy Fried, Features Editor
September 19, 2017

Like many of their peers, seniors Maya Schechter, Naomi Bijou and Noa Segal spent their summer at Jewish summer camp. But their...

CHANGE: Aviva Walls has a new office on the second floor adjacent to Rabbi Ari Schwarzberg's.

Aviva Walls moves beyond college counseling to become school’s first female academic administrator

By Lucy Fried, Features Editor
September 6, 2017
With the new title Dean of Academic Affairs, Ms. Aviva Walls has expanded her role beyond college counseling to become the first-ever female educational administrator in the high school.
GLOW: According to SAS Psychology teacher Ms. Tove Sunshine, binge-watching affects the brain in ways similar to other addictive pursuits.

Click-watch culture

By Lucy Fried, Staff Writer
March 3, 2017
A pitch-dark bedroom is illuminated by a small screen for episodes and episodes on end. One, two, three hours of lost sleep before a long day at school.
STALLED: Bus carrying sophomores home from trip in Arizona was stalled on Interstate 10 a few miles into California Sunday afternoon. Of the bus's two right rear tires, the front burst and the rear went flat. Students heard a popping sound and then the bus began to scrape the roadway.

Double tire failure delays return from sophomore chesed trip by more than five hours

By Lucy Fried, Arts & Culture Editor
December 4, 2016

UPDATED: Heading home from a first-ever five-day chesed trip to Arizona, Shalhevet's 10th-graders were met with a transportation...

TRUMPED: Ezra Hess and Bailey Mendelson collected ballots in the second-floor hallway during the mock presidential election at lunch Nov. 8.

Trump beats Clinton 91 – 84 in mock presidential election

By Lucy Fried, Arts & Culture Editor
November 8, 2016

Donald J. Trump won Shalhevet’s lunchtime mock election today, winning 91 votes to 84 for Hillary Clinton and reversing the...

PROFESSIONAL: The Choirhawks recorded at the Boulevard Recording Studio Aug 17, standing in the shoes of Ringo Starr, Carly Simon and Pink Floyd.

John Lennon was here: Choir records new CD in famous studio in Hollywood

By Lucy Fried, Arts & Culture Editor
November 2, 2016

In a Hollywood studio that has hosted a multitude of celebrity musicians, the Choirhawks recently recorded several of their songs...

HANDS-ON: Boiling Point editors said the Comprehensive Writing Award was for group effort.

Boiling Point wins Rockowers and top national honors in writing

By Clara Sandler and Lucy Fried
November 2, 2016

In its highest honors to date, the Boiling Point last spring was named one of the top three best-written high school newspapers...

Poll shows most Shalhevet students agree with their parents and Clinton edges Trump, though many still undecided

Poll shows most Shalhevet students agree with their parents and Clinton edges Trump, though many still undecided

By Lucy Fried, Arts & Culture Editor
October 9, 2016
In a recent anonymous poll of the Shalhevet student body, the 120 students polled were almost evenly split on who they would vote for in the upcoming 2016 presidential election if they were of age.
LOCKS: Mr. Smith's dreadlocks are 21 years old.

Veteran English Teacher Will Aim For Personal Spin

By Lucy Fried, Arts & Culture Editor
August 31, 2016

Mr. Eric Smith likes to laugh, and says he laughs at himself a lot. “Not that students should try to make me laugh; education...

DRIVEN: Ms. Silva's main goal is to always be the most dependable person in the room.

MS. SILVA: Receptionist loves teens, is used to hard work

By Lucy Fried, Arts & Culture Editor
August 30, 2016

Growing up as the second of five children in a low-income family in South Los Angeles, Ms. Daniella Silva said that she never...

Two blocks but worlds apart

Two blocks but worlds apart

By Lucy Fried, Staff Writer
June 30, 2016
Two blocks away but worlds apart, different people with the same profession find themselves in opposite circumstances. Jimmy Clark and Jimena Augusto Marlin both sell fruit in Downtown Los Angeles, but that’s where their similarities lie.
LEGACY: Under Mr. Schiff, the Firehawks moved into the new gym and hosted Glouberman tournament.

Athletic Director leaves after five years of wins, milestones, new teams

By Lucy Fried, Staff Writer
June 14, 2016

Mr. Elliot “Eli” Schiff, who has served as Athletic Director since 2012 and oversaw the creation of the boys flag football...

CHESED: Freshman Tara Chriki gave mishloach manot to a senior citizen at the Beverly Hills Carmel in March. She is among 10 female students who visit weekly to enhance the days of some of the residents.

With activities and talking, club gives local seniors what they say they need

By Lucy Fried, Staff Writer
June 9, 2016

Dr. Franklin Prieser sat in a beige chair, his leather shoes resting on a beige carpeted floor as he belted out “America the...

LENS: Shtisel looks at life in Mea Shearim through the lives of the Shtisel family.

In Israeli TV hit ‘Shtisel,’ black-hatted world of Mea Shearim is full of individuals, some familiar

By Lucy Fried, Staff Writer
May 31, 2016
A hand flips through the pages of a Talmud that looks similar to the Lahav Gemara readers used at Shalhevet. As large fingers turn through the book, pencil sketches of a pig and a boy become visible at the bottom corners of the pages. These drawings, done by a child perhaps 8 years old, in most worlds would draw a chuckle or some praise.
CHANGEMAKER: Thaly Germain said she felt a sense of responsibility to create change from a young age.

Speaker leads three days of talks on race, fairness and equality. and why they matter

By Lucy Fried, Staff Writer
May 24, 2016

In the large Beit Midrash, a hand flies into the air, and thoughts are shared on police brutality and how it can be solved....

The now Genius Bar will convert into a classroom next year. It will primarily house science and math classes in addition to the robotics club.

Second floor Genius Bar will transform into classroom next year

By Lucy Fried, Staff Writer
April 18, 2016
The open lobby space of the second-floor genius bar will become a classroom next year, providing an additional dedicated space for learning in the new building and raising the number of classrooms from 14 to 15, school officials have confirmed.
OPTIONS: Caterer Jacob Schwartz has brought in more options to Shalhevet's lunches on Tuesdays and Thursdays. So far he's not using the school kitchens, however.

Lunches By Jacob diversifies lunch program

By Lucy Fried, Staff Writer
March 30, 2016
How can Shalhevet students get the best of both worlds? Enter Jacob Schwartz.
Overcoming obstacles, BP earns multiple CSPA awards

Overcoming obstacles, BP earns multiple CSPA awards

By Lucy Fried, Staff Writer
January 20, 2016

No office, no server, no day-time work or meeting space — no big deal: the Boiling Point still managed to win major awards last...

GOLDEN: Tourists and other spectators recorded the Choirhawks' flashmob In a park overlooking the north end of the Golden Gate bridge Dec. 4 in the middle of their Bay Area Chanukah performance tour.

In first-ever trip, choir spreads Jewish a capella to Bay Area

By Lucy Fried, Staff Writer
December 29, 2015
On the morning of Thursday, Dec. 3, the Choirhawks performed at Town Hall wearing loose sweatpants, hats, and casual T-shirts, in clear violation of the school dress code.
SCARY: All school bathrooms were pitch black during the power outage and some students used their phone flashlights for light. PE was cancelled because students had no place to change.

Mysterious DWP power failure caused two-hour blackout

By Lucy Fried, Staff Writer
October 30, 2015
It was approximately 11 AM last Friday, Oct. 23, and students in Dr. Yoss’s ninth grade World History class were shocked as they checked their iPads and saw that their wifi connections had failed.
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