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Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Olivia Fishman

Olivia Fishman, Arts & Culture Editor

Olivia Fishman, 12th grade, joined the Boiling Point during her freshman year and became a staff writer during her sophomore year. Olivia has written numerous stories focusing on arts at Shalhevet and in the wider community, as well as reviews of restaurants and museums. She became Arts & Culture Editor during her junior year and is remaining in the role for her senior year. Outside of BP, Olivia is captain of the swim team and president of the chesed committee. When not in school, she participates on the board of Holocaust Museum LA, plays with her dog, and hangs out with friends.

All content by Olivia Fishman
NEW: Israeli street artist Solomon Souza spent two weeks before school started painting murals of famous Jewish and Israeli figures on Shalhevet walls.

Larger than life, portraits in undulating colors now brighten hallways

By Olivia Fishman, Arts and Culture Editor
November 19, 2022

When students walked into Shalhevet last August, they didn’t expect to be greeted with vibrant, oversized but lifelike, graffiti-sprayed...

MOM: Mrs. Maya Cohen, who has twin daughters at Shalhevet and an eighth-grader who’s applying, wants to make the middle-schoolers’ application process more fun.

New admissions director plans dance nights and scavenger hunts to make process more ‘friendly’

By Olivia Fishman, Arts & Culture Editor
November 14, 2022

Mrs. Maya Cohen, who worked for five years in admissions at Hillel Hebrew Academy, brings Shalhevet’s first full-time Director...

JOY: “The best feeling of all, though, is watching the Dodgers win while sprinting out of the stadium to beat traffic, hearing “I Love LA.”

MY LIFE IN A SONG: Sound of a stadium

By Olivia Fishman, Arts and Culture Editor
August 4, 2022

There is a certain exhilaration that accompanies my trips to Dodger Stadium, and I have felt the same excitement since I was a...

CRISPY: Originally a vegetarian restaurant, Melrose Bite enthusiastically promoted its switch to chicken in 2021.

Chicken shortage bites kosher restaurant on Melrose

By Olivia Fishman, Arts & Culture Editor
April 28, 2022

Melrose Bite, the trendy fried chicken joint not far from school, announced an end to its O-K Kosher supervision March 18 and...

WALL: In the Stories of Cinema exhibit, videos of Oscar acceptance speeches play one by one. Steven Spielberg’s speech when he won Best Director for Schindler’s List is the museum’s only mention of him.

At the Academy Museum, Jews are missing from the world of Motion Pictures. Here’s a look at what’s left out.

By Olivia Fishman, Arts & Culture Editor
February 4, 2022

The Academy Museum of Motion Pictures displays and discusses artists of many races, religions, ethnicities, and causes, and...

Food from Melrose Bite; burger with fries in forefront, mango habanero chicken wings and sauces in background

Sweet, crunchy and kosher, Melrose Bite finds a trendy combo

By Olivia Fishman, Arts & Culture Editor
January 4, 2022

Fried chicken sandwiches are trending, and the kosher world is part of the trend. Melrose Bite, recently rebranded from a dairy-and-vegan...

GONE: Mr. St. Germaine taught in one of the science labs on Sept. 17, his last day at Shalhevet.

Mr. St. Germaine, math and science teacher known for lively Schoology posts, departs to Washington state

By Olivia Fishman, Arts & Culture Editor
December 11, 2021

Mr. Chris St. Germaine, who taught chemistry, physics and math, departed to Bellevue, Wash., three weeks after beginning his fourth...

Ms. Finn says she can’t draw a straight line.

New art teacher wants to change your view of making art

By Olivia Fishman, Arts & Culture Editor
October 7, 2021

Meirav Finn, an experienced artist and an L.A. native, has joined the Art and Performing Arts department as the third art teacher...

READY: Appearing finished on Sept. 13, the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures is at the northeast corner of Fairfax Avenue and Wilshire Boulevard, just two blocks north of school. Its eye-catching, multi-story sphere is just behind the main building, visible from Fairfax and also from LACMA to the east.

Vacation plan: How about a museum?

By Olivia Fishman, Arts & Culture Editor
September 17, 2021

LA museums are open, and if you’re willing to wear a mask, you can see LACMA, the Petersen Automotive Museum, the Getty Center...

REVIEW: At a White House briefing April 7, Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo, right, said policy toward TikTok is under active by the White House, along with the huge Chinese company Hauwei. Ms. Raimondo was introduced by White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, left.

Biden administration is deciding what to do about TikTok; students not worried

By Olivia Fishman, Staff Writer
April 21, 2021

The TikTok ban announced by President Donald Trump last August but never implemented is again on pause while the Biden administration...

OUTSIDE: Rosh Hashanah starts tomorrow night. With synagogues closed, many Shalhevet community members will be praying in socially distanced groups outdoors.

From backyard minyans to distanced dinners, Covid Rosh Hashanah will look and feel different

By Olivia Fishman and Tehilla Fishman, 10th Grade
September 17, 2020

Shalhevet Dean of Students Rabbi Ari Schwarzberg thinks that it will be especially difficult to connect to God during the High...

HEART: Maayan Messica uses music to express her thoughts and emotions.

Maayan Messica: A Special Connection To Piano

By Olivia Fishman, Ninth Grade
June 2, 2020

“Music is a way to connect to yourself when you don’t always want to talk to someone with words. Last time I wrote a song...

MATH: Ninth-graders in Ms. Kong’s Honors Geometry class studied the volume of three-dimensional shapes on Zoom this morning.  Students say they appreciate the reduction in homework, though some still find learning harder via computer.

Students feel heard as school reshapes academic policies for COVID

By Olivia Fishman, Ninth Grade
May 22, 2020

After a stressed-out start to Zoom learning in March, students are reporting lighter workloads and more free time for activities...

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