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Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Eric Bazak

Eric Bazak, Editor-in-Chief Emeritus

After serving as staff writer, Features Editor, and Outside News Editor over the previous three years, Eric Bazak served as Editor-in-Chief for the 2015-16 school year. He is currently a freshman at UCLA.

Eric won numerous awards for his work on the Boiling Point.

CSPA 2015 Gold Circle Certificate of Merit in News Writing (print)
CSPA 2015 AGold Circle Certificate of Merit in In-depth/Feature Story (print)
Quill & Scroll 2016 National Award in Profile Writing
Quill & Scroll 2015 National Award in News Writing
Jewish Scholastic Press Association, 2014 2nd Prize in News & Feature Writing
All content by Eric Bazak
LEAVING: Ms. Amy Sirkis taught AP Chemistry, Chemistry, Physics, and the after-school CIJE engineering course.

Teacher departures will change science course offerings next year

By Eric Bazak, Editor-in-Chief
June 14, 2016
With the departure of its two remaining teachers, the Science Department will have a new, smaller look for next year. Advanced Placement (AP) Chemistry will not be offered, nor will Anatomy and Physiology.
OPEN: Dr. Amit served coffee to students in an open sided tent on the rooftop turf during his two-week residency in February.

Scholar says ‘kol isha’ rules should never have existed

By Eric Bazak, Editor-in-Chief
April 24, 2016

Talmud professor Dr. Aharon Amit was not allowed to attend his daughter’s third birthday party. Worried that...

ECON: Director of College Counseling Aviva Walls, who holds a master's degree from NYU's Stern School of Business, will teach a new SAS Economics class next year.

Only two APs to remain next year as school expands SAS

By Maayan Waldman and Eric Bazak
March 23, 2016

Barron’s books, May exams and curriculum cramming will soon be a thing of the past, as next year there will be just three AP...

Skaist, O'Brien not returning for 2016-17

Skaist, O’Brien not returning for 2016-17

By Eric Bazak and Ma’ayan Waldman
March 22, 2016

Two more teachers confirmed today that they would not be returning to Shalhevet next fall. Judaic Studies teacher Mrs. Ruthie...

DAPPER: Dr. Yoss taught a ninth-grade class in the Music Room last week.  The Oxford-educated veteran history teacher also teaches American History and Humanities this year.

BREAKING NEWS: Dr. Yoss will not return next year

By Eric Bazak, Editor-in-Chief
March 18, 2016
Dr. Michael Yoss, the longtime History teacher known for his humor, fashion and rigorous classes, will not be returning to Shalhevet next fall, the Boiling Point has confirmed.
Team members perform small fixes on the robot in preparation for an FRC match. The team won 6 of 8 matches.

Robotics team takes top rookie honors in LA regional tournament

By Eric Bazak, Editor-in-Chief
March 13, 2016

Shalhevet’s new Robotics team placed 16th in the FIRST Robotics Competition held in Long Beach this weekend, attaining the...

TWO BOILING POINTS OF VIEW: Should Shalhevet cap enrollment at 240 students?

TWO BOILING POINTS OF VIEW: Should Shalhevet cap enrollment at 240 students?

By Eric Bazak and Micah Gill
February 11, 2016

NO: Keep on growing By Eric Bazak, Editor-in-Chief   It’s that time of the year when seniors sweat over interviews and stress...

Where do you see favoritism? Source: BP Poll of 97 students, December 2015

FAVORITISIM: Most students think it exists, but few think there is anything to be done; staff expresses surprise

By Eric Bazak, Editor-In-Chief
January 26, 2016

Be on the lookout for an abyss at our school. Student-faculty relationships, diverse co-curriculars, and Shalhevet's emphasis...

AGGRESSION: FireHawk star point guard Asher Remer leapt toward the basket as a member of the Berman Cougars jumped to block him.

Even in third place, Firehawks host a winner in Glouberman Tournament

By Eric Bazak, Editor-in-Chief
January 14, 2016
Bleachers, broadcasts and giant posters of Firehawk players' heads were just a few of the signs of excitement surrounding the first Steve Glouberman Basketball Tournament when it finally debuted in the Shalhevet gym Nov. 12-15. Four days, 14 bracketed teams and 32 basketball games later, the Heschel Heat of New York City cruised to the boys’ title while the Lady Firehawks were champions on the girls' side.
VOTING: General Studies Principal Mr. Daniel Weslow collected ballots from freshmen in grade-level representative elections for Fairness, Agenda and SAC. A committee of six students set the structure of this year's elections.

Unannounced committee of six students set election protocol

By Eric Bazak, Editor-in-Chief
December 3, 2015
Just before finals last year, when students could count the remaining days at the JCC with their fingers, six students squeezed into the tiny upstairs administration office during breakfast for a meeting they had been personally invited to attend.
TWO BOILING POINTS OF VIEW: Is it kosher to read during davening?

TWO BOILING POINTS OF VIEW: Is it kosher to read during davening?

By Eric Bazak and Noah Rothman
November 16, 2015
ERIC BAZAK: Yes: An ideal alternative for the disconnected NOAH ROTHMAN: No: Even though it’s hard, we have to pray
GAME TIME: Coach Ryan Coleman a play to football captain Jacob Dauer on the sideline during a break

One coach plus three teams equals plenty of victories

By Eric Bazak, Editor in Chief
November 14, 2015
In just his second year with Shalhevet, Coach Ryan Coleman is serving as head coach for three separate Firehawk sports teams, following Colin Jamerson’s basketball resignation on Sep. 17.
MEMORY LANE: Outside view of the old Shalhevet building. The school moved there the year the Boiling Point was founded.

In all that’s new, a strong echo of 1999

By Eric Bazak, Editor In Chief
October 8, 2015
My classmates and teachers consistently talk about how Shalhevet so drastically changed over the years. In many ways, they’re right. Naturally teachers come and go, rules change, curriculums mature, and buildings are remodeled. But scrape off all the added detail and what remains is a core impressively untainted by time.
SHINE: Above the spiral staircase leading from the entrance foyer, a shallow glass dome framed with a star of David is one of many architectural features can be seen in the 26,000-square-foot new building.

Airy, light and surprisingly tranquil, new building opens a new era

By Eric Bazak, Editor-in-Chief
August 30, 2015
Members of the Shalhevet community can exhale and finally get excited.
INDOOR GYM: State-of-the-art gym has a regulation basketball court and volleyball court, along with pulldown bleachers along the right-side wall and natural light pouring in from windows as long as the room.  A new Firehawk logo is on the floor at center court.

School’s Open!

By Eric Bazak, Editor-in-Chief
August 28, 2015
It took a year longer than expected to get the required permits, but once the first bulldozer clawed into the roof of the old building on June 6, 2014, construction never stopped.
SELFIE: Mr. Danovitch captures a photo of one of his final Brit. Lit. classes at the JCC in June.

Looking back on 11 years of Dano-mite

By Eric Bazak, Outside News Editor
June 15, 2015
The school was ready for this moment. There were student-produced videos, Town Hall farewell speeches, and even a new hiree for the General Studies principal position.
COOPERATING: UJS members Zev Hurwitz and Jonah Saidian and Hibah Khan and Yasin Ahmed of the Muslim Students Association led a Town Hall meeting at UCSD in November.

UC San Diego building $5 million Kosher-Halal dining hall to open in 2016, first in UC system

By Eric Bazak, Outside News Editor
May 8, 2015

Could simple expressions like “pass the falafel” build peace between Muslims and Jews on California college campuses? Students...

How fair are the SATs?

How fair are the SATs?

By Eric Bazak, Features Editor
February 22, 2015
Juniors’ eyes are glued to heavy Compass books as they fidget in the hallways, enveloped in insurmountable stress. There is only one explanation: SATs are coming up. But how objective is the SAT? Do Shalhevet students have a level playing field with students in public schools – or with each other?
DIVERSITY: Mr. Lawton Gray described some of his experiences at Town Hall Dec.23, saying blacks have been treated differently by police.

Town Hall tackles race issues after Ferguson

By Eric Bazak, Features Editor
February 15, 2015

“I once went to a basketball game and got pulled over by a sheriff,” said Mr. Lawton Gray, who is the principal of Oak Avenue...

DEMONSTRATION: Protesters call for democracy in Hong Kong after China decides to name candidates in upcoming election.

Ms. Kong’s family joins Hong Kong democracy protests

By Eric Bazak, Features Editor
December 3, 2014

“If I were in Hong Kong, I would definitely fight for democracy, and protest,” said mathematics teacher Ms. Jennifer Kong...

COOL: Freshman classes will meet at Young Israel of Century City this week. Sophomores will be at Bnai David-Judea.  Both synagogues are air-conditioned; the JCC is not.

What you need to know for Heat Wave Week

By Eric Bazak, Features Editor
September 15, 2014

So let me guess. You are a Shalhevet student and still extremely confused about which of your several co-curriculars and sports...

Heat wave next week will send school to neighborhood synagogues

By Eric Bazak, Features Editor
September 12, 2014

Some schools have snow days, but starting Monday, Shalhevet will have a "Heat Wave Week." Head of School Rabbi Segal announced...

ROBBERY: Alumna Annie Asch ‘14 appears on KTLA news after robbers broke into her home July 22. She hid in her closet and was afraid to come out even after police arrived.  Suspects escaped despite a police perimeter.

Alumna safe after LAPD takes 25 minutes to arrive at home invasion robbery in Beverlywood

By Eric Bazak, Features Editor
September 10, 2014

It took around 25 minutes for police to arrive at alumna Annelise Asch’s house on Tuesday afternoon, July 22. Annie spent those...

Of 33 Shalhevet drivers polled in March, over a third had already been in accidents.

Immortal and behind the wheel

By Eric Bazak, Features Editor
May 30, 2014
A recent Boiling Point poll of students with licenses found that most Shalhevet drivers regularly break several laws while driving, and 42 percent have already been in an accident — despite having been licensed for, at most, just two-and-a-half years.
Graph by Google Analytics

BP tefillin story goes viral and starts an international debate

By Eric Bazak, Features Editor
March 16, 2014

In a school where everyone knows everyone and the student population is about 165, it’s hard to imagine that there were more...

Officials try to fight flu among teens, but Shalhevet students not convinced

Officials try to fight flu among teens, but Shalhevet students not convinced

By Eric Bazak, Features Editor
March 9, 2014

Flu season has hit young people particularly hard this year, prompting concern among public health officials nationwide -- but...

HISTORY: Clockwise from top right - Junior Nicole Feder and her sister Ariana visited Robben Island in 2010 with their cousin, Danielle Drozin, at right

EXODUS: Jewish population wanes in South Africa

By Eric Bazak, Staff Writer
January 19, 2014

Although Shalhevet did not formally commemorate the passing of legendary human rights leader and statesman Nelson Mandela, the...

INSPIRING: Rabbi Meir Soloveitchik engaged students with smiles Dec. 12.

Rabbi Meir Soloveitchik emphasizes Begin’s legacy of nationalism in Beit Midrash talk

By Eric Bazak, Staff Writer
January 13, 2014

Rabbi Meir Soloveitchik, one of today’s most prominent American Modern Orthodox rabbis, came to Shalhevet last month with the...

iPADS: Freshmen view a variety of web pages during Dr. Michael Yoss's World History class.

TECH-NOGRAPHY: How students and faculty are handling the geography of tech

By Eric Bazak, Staff Writer
January 10, 2014

Shalhevet's new iPad program has transformed classes for both sophomores and freshmen into intricate and technologically advanced...

Boys lead Mishmar on their own

Boys lead Mishmar on their own

By Eric Bazak, Staff Writer
November 19, 2013

On Thursdays, if the Beit Midrash is packed with boys sitting around a table and learning a Gemara, assume Mishmar is in session....

EXPERIENCE:  Members of the class of 2013 were wrapped in the Israeli flag at Auschwitz last April on the senior Poland-Israel trip. The endowment will hopefully make it possible for more seniors to attend the trip.

Anonymous gift of $100,000 creates an endowment for senior Poland-Israel trip

By Eric Bazak, Staff Writer
October 8, 2013

An anonymous donor has created a new $100,000 endowment to support Shalhevet’s annual senior Poland-Israel trip, hoping to make...

LAB: From left, Kian Marghzar, Mark Miller and Eliana Hjortzberg Litov at CIJE Sept. 12

New tech classes draw 27 students after school

By Eric Bazak, Staff Writer
October 4, 2013

Believe it or not, 4:20 dismissal is apparently too early for 27 freshmen and sophomores.  They’ve signed up for Shalhevet’s...

JUDGE: CSPA Crown chairman C. Bruce Watterson said the Boiling Point gave readers 'unique' angles on stories.

Newspaper contest adds category for print-online ‘hybrids,’ and Boiling Point wins a Gold Crown

By Eric Bazak, Staff Writer
April 15, 2013

Just before Passover, the Boiling Point was awarded the Columbia Scholastic Press Association’s Gold Crown award for print-and-online...

GUARDING: Ari Wachtenheim tries to stop Rolling Hills Prep from scoring at the CIF Dib. 5A Finals at the Anaheim Convention Center Feb. 28.

CIF Final: A rare dark moment as Firehawks fall to RHP Huskies

By Eric Bazak, Staff Writer
March 20, 2013

The Firehawk varsity basketball team exited the Anaheim Convention Center Feb. 28 with gloomy faces, after being defeated 50-36...

Basketball team advances to CIF division finals, defeating San Gabriel 71 - 58

Basketball team advances to CIF division finals, defeating San Gabriel 71 – 58

By Eric Bazak, Staff Writer
February 24, 2013

Shalhevet’s Varsity basketball team is headed to the division finals for the first time in school history, after defeating San...

MISSING: Finals week does not appear on the Shalhevet calendar for next January.  The red days Jan. 20 - 24 are Winter Break, and Jan. 16 is Tu B'Shvat.

No first-semester finals this year

By Eric Bazak, Staff Writer
November 25, 2012

No, it isn’t April Fool’s Day or even the first day of Adar. The administration has decided to cancel first semester finals...

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