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The Boiling Point

Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Zev Kent

Zev Kent, Senior Editor and Features Editor

Zev Kent is a senior at Shalhevet and is the Senior Editor and Features Editor of the Boiling Point. Over the past three years, Zev has written many articles for the Boiling Point about sports, community, and outside news. In addition, he did play-by-play for the Boiling Point broadcast of the Steve Glouberman Basketball Tournament.

All content by Zev Kent
CHAIR: In his last week as head of the Agenda committee, Bennett voted in favor of instant runoff voting, citing its efficiency and representation in comparison to other voting  systems.

Agenda Chair will be chosen in new ‘instant runoff’ election, committee decides

By Zev Kent, Senior Editor
April 28, 2017
Instead of just one person, voters next week will rank all six candidates for Agenda Chair in order of preference, using a process called “instant runoff” voting, the Agenda Committee decided today.
UPDATE: Acting Chair Alec Fields told Town Hall March 2 that the Agenda Committee had voted to 6-5 to adopt the Fairness Committee’s recommendation for choosing a new Secretary with a mid-year election.  No date has been set.

Agenda decides former candidates will run for Agenda Secretary, no date set

By Zev Kent, Senior Editor
March 6, 2017
The Agenda Committee has voted 6-5 to replace Agenda Secretary Lucy Fried through a mid-year election among last year’s candidates for the position, following a recommendation by the Fairness Committee as to how to solve the problem.
RUSH: Boys speed through their prayers– or do not really pray at all– during each morning’s Hashkama minyan.

OPINION: How to fix the sunrise minyan

By Zev Kent, Senior Editor
February 28, 2017
There’s something wrong at Hashkama minyan. As much as people are tired of hearing it, Hashkama was created as a minyan for people who want to daven, and right now, it’s not.
MARCH: Students from Milken, De Toledo and YULA Girls high schools joined Shalhevet for the 30-minute walk down Olympic Boulevard to school today, after a morning of prayer and community service projects in opposition to Westboro Baptist Church.

Three Jewish high schools join Shalhevet for march, group learning, community service to counter Westboro protest

By Zev Kent, Senior Editor
February 27, 2017

Just 20 minutes after the Westboro Baptist Church finished its protest yesterday, students from Shalhevet, YULA Girls, De Toledo...

ORDERLY: Four voting stations were set up in the gym, one for each grade, overseen by teachers. People waited their turn in lines behind a blue line.

Last year’s candidates invited to run again to fill vacant Agenda Secretary post

By Zev Kent, Senior Editor
February 16, 2017

Last year’s  candidates for Agenda Secretary were informed today that they would be given the opportunity to run again in...

Feld leaving to become head of school in Seattle area

Feld leaving to become head of school in Seattle area

By Zev Kent, Senior Editor
January 31, 2017

Dean of Students Mr. Jason Feld has announced that he will leave Shalhevet next year to become Head of School at Northwest Yeshiva...

Sparks don’t quite fly as leaders of two branches of Modern Orthodoxy face off  at Shalhevet Institute

Sparks don’t quite fly as leaders of two branches of Modern Orthodoxy face off at Shalhevet Institute

By Zev Kent, Senior Editor
January 7, 2017

Despite its title, “Disagreement Without Division” turned out to have very little disagreement. Rabbi Jeremy Weider and Rabbi...

QUESTIONS: The Agenda Committee met Dec. 12 in Room 204. The committee, which decides Town Hall topics, has decided to take up the question of whether the Just Community Constitution should be thrown out. 

Agenda says it will bring election rules, Constitution to Town Hall

By Zev Kent, Senior Editor
December 26, 2016

The Agenda Committee decided last month to devote the first Town Hall after December break to discussing if and how the school’s...

Zika raises doubt about annual girls basketball trip to Florida

Zika raises doubt about annual girls basketball trip to Florida

By Zev Kent, Sports Editor
November 14, 2016

The Zika virus, which started spreading in Central and South America over the past year, has made its way to Florida, including...

Kent's Calls: 2016 Football: Something old, something new

Kent’s Calls: 2016 Football: Something old, something new

By Zev Kent, Sports Editor
November 6, 2016

For me, September is a month of mixed emotions. On the one hand, it’s back to school; on the other hand, it’s football time....

WORDS: Eytan Rosenman, one of the three candidates for senior Fairness representative who was allowed to speak, talked about his plans for the committee after a heads-down, hands-raised vote narrowed the field from five to three candidates.

Fairness Committee picks winners of Fairness senior rep elections

By Zev Kent, Senior Editor
September 28, 2016
There were no ballots, not every candidate was allowed to speak, and the Fairness Committee – not the students in the grade -- picked the winners when the senior class met to elect Fairness committee representatives during Town Hall period Sept. 17.
Rabbi Segal defends Just Community constitution

Rabbi Segal defends Just Community constitution

By Zev Kent, Senior Editor
September 9, 2016

With the Just Community constitution recently found -- revealing many discrepancies between how the Just Community runs today...

GUIDE: Mr. Dwivedi has led tours of Los Angeles and also worked as a hotel concierge.

New science teacher loves to take classes as well as teach them

By Zev Kent, Senior Editor
September 6, 2016

A California native, self-proclaimed “foodie” and former L.A. tour guide, Mr. Tushar Dwivedi is teaching this year’s Chemistry...

CONTEST: Bennett Schneier, second from right, faced Micha Thau, Rosie Wolkind and Maya Golan in a pre-election debate yesterday.

Voters choose newcomers to lead Agenda Committee

By Zev Kent, Sports Editor
July 11, 2016
Bennett Schneier, who is known for his humorous and controversial comments at Town Hall, was elected Agenda Chair May 13, becoming the first Agenda Chair without previous committee experience since Daniel Schwartz in 2012-2013.

Bennett Schneier elected Agenda chair as voters choose newcomers to lead Just Community

By Zev Kent, Sports Editor
May 13, 2016

Bennett Schneier, who is known for his humorous and controversial comments at Town Hall, was elected Agenda Chair today, becoming...

HUSTLE: Firehawks and Panthers converge on the ball as they both try to pull ahead in a nail biter 1-0 Panther victory.

In soccer rivalry match, Firehawks relish a loss that felt like a win

By Zev Kent and Clara Sandler
February 24, 2016
After a scoreless first half, the Firehawk boys’ soccer team fell to the crosstown-rival YULA Panthers 1-0 in their only head-to-head soccer match of the season Feb. 13 in Encino.
PRETTY: New landscaping behind the school features grasses and an irrigation channel.

Water work: School adjusts landscaping and kids take shorter showers

By Zev Kent, Sports Editor
February 11, 2016
About 20 percent of Shalhevet students say they have personally changed their habits because of the California drought, and nearly half say their families have made at least some changes.
Screenshot of the LaHav logo

RCA decision on women brings Lahav to real life

By Zev Kent, Sports Editor
February 5, 2016

Just days after the Rabbinical Council of America passed a new Policy Concerning Women Rabbis, Shalhevet’s Lahav Talmud curriculum...

LIFTOFF: Firehawk star Joe Schnitzer leaps for a basket during the first game of the Steve Glouberman tournament in Shalhevets new gym Nov. 12.

TOURNAMENT TIME: Steve Glouberman Basketball Tournament greets schools from throughout U.S.

By Zev Kent, Sports Editor
November 12, 2015

While basketball has always been important to Shalhevet, this year it aims for a new level entirely as the school prepares to...

SPLASH! Coach Ryan Coleman is soaked by his team after winning the Coastal League boys flag football championship  Crossroads field Nov. 5.

CHAMPIONS AGAIN! Firehawk flag football wins Coastal League for second straight year in close game against AGBU

By Zev Kent and Nathan Benyowitz
November 9, 2015
"It was a calculated risk. I knew if he got away the game would be over, and I had a chance of getting away with the hold, so I would do that 10 times out of 10.” -- Micah Gill, running back
WINNER: Coach Colin Jamerson at last year's Sarachek tournament at Yeshiva University.  The 2015 team finished in sixth place, after winning the championship two years earlier.

Coach Colin resigns as head of FIrehawk basketball

By Zev Kent, Sports Editor
September 18, 2015
Coach Colin Jamerson, who led the Firehawks to its first Sarachek championship in 2013, has resigned as Shalhevet's varsity and junior varsity boys basketball coach, and been replaced by Assistant Coach Mr. Ryan Coleman, who also coaches Firehawk baseball and the boys flag football teams.
STARSTRUCK:  Sacramento Kings’ Seth Curry, and Clippers’ Blake Griffin were the first to practice in the new gym.

NBA athletes play ball on Shalhevet’s new court

By Zev Kent, Sports Editor
September 11, 2015
For several weeks in August, NBA stars Blake Griffin and Seth Curry trained in Shalhevet’s brand new gym.
CHALLENGE: Students cast ballots for nine Just Community positions in the foyer of the JCC May 14.

Micah Gill wins as Agenda Chair amid multiple controversies over election procedures

By Zev Kent, Staff Writer
June 14, 2015
A bevy of controversies erupted around school elections last month, as a political party emerged hoping to reform the Just Community and last-minute decisions by Agenda were overturned by Fairness.
MEMORIES: Above, students explore Soviet-themed decor in Ms. Malikov’s math classroom April 1. Guard towers and the Soviet flag were supposed to be a tribute, but brought back terrible memories for the teacher

Soviet-themed tribute brings unexpected heartbreak to teacher, then students, at Senior Prank

By Zev Kent, Staff Writer
May 3, 2015

An otherwise harmless senior prank took a hurtful turn when 12th-graders paying tribute to Math teacher Mrs. Katia Malikov decorated...

HIKE: Captain Mati Hurwitz snaps the ball to quarterback Jacob Dauer in the first YULA vs Shalhevet boys flag football match.

Boys Football defeats YULA 21-7 in fourth win of the season

By Zev Kent, Staff Writer
September 24, 2014

Despite a scoreless second half, the Shalhevet boys' flag football team defeated YULA, 21-7, Sept. 22 to keep up their winning...

GOOGLE IT: Shalhevet students learned about Google’s technology on March 19.

CIJE students get a taste of work and play at Google in Venice

By Zev Kent, Staff Writer
May 22, 2014

“Working at Google, now that’s the dream,” said freshman Isaac Goor as he walked out of the local Google office March 19,...

POLAR: The globe on the right shows the "polar vortex" in its normal position over the far north, whereas the one on the left shows how far it had spread on Jan. 10 of this year.

If the earth is warming, why is it freezing out?

By Zev Kent, Staff Writer
January 14, 2014

Jumping out of the car 20 feet from the door of school last month, there was one thought in many students’ heads: run inside ...

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