By Sigal Spitzer, Sports Editor
It’s lunchtime and the hallways are quiet. Where did all the boys go? For the past three weeks, a series of hotly contested intramural basketball games has taken place on the Sport Court, with more than 30 students watching as five-member teams compete.
Sophomores Adam Kaufler and Simcha Halpert, both members of this year’s championship Varsity team, created the league after the Firehawk season ended.
“There was a point when lunchtime became stagnant and boring,” said Adam Kaufler. “I remembered all the excitement last year’s intramurals brought to lunch, and I figured: why not bring that back?”
Funded by a league fee of three dollars per player – to pay for the winner’s trophy, a scoreboard and whistles –roughly 40 male students formed six teams, led by Simcha, Adam, freshman Jacob Dauer, sophomore Zev Marcus, and juniors Ariel Sokol and Josh Einalhori, who created a draft one afternoon while the seniors were away in Poland. The teams are named for their captains.
The intramural league includes freshmen, sophomore, juniors and faculty members, excluding all females in accordance with halacha and school policy.
Senior Esther Levy, who usually spends her lunchtime watching the intramural basketball games, said that girls should form their own league.
“I don’t think girls and boys should play in the same league but there should definitely be a girls intramural league,” said Esther.
Throughout the seaon, Team Jacob, otherwise known as the all-freshman team, or “Team Freshi,” was in a race for the top seed against Team Zev and Team Simcha. After a heated game full of cursing and unnecessary physical contact, Team Zev took first place during lunch on Friday, May 10.
Heading into playoffs scheduled for May 20-23, both Team Zev and Team Sincha will automatically be placed in the second round. Make-up games due rain May 6 and 7 are scheduled for this week.