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Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Mati Hurwitz

Mati Hurwitz, Sports Editor

Mati Hurwitz started writing divrei Torah for The Boiling Point as a freshman and went on to be editor of the Torah section for almost two years before becoming Sports Editor and serving on the Editorial Board as a senior. As Summer Editor-in-Chief in 2014, he oversaw the Boiling Point’s Rockower Award-winning coverage of the Gaza War and was one of the winners himself.  Mati loves spending time at his shul and in his community in Valley Village, serving as the gabbai of the Shaarey Zedek Teen Minyan. He plans to attend Yeshivat Har Etzion next year.

All content by Mati Hurwitz
LEGACY: Under Mr. Schiff, the Firehawks moved into the new gym and hosted Glouberman tournament.

[Photo] Athletic Director leaves after five years of wins, milestones, new teams

By Lucy Fried, Staff Writer
June 14, 2016

LEGACY: Under Mr. Schiff, the Firehawks moved into the new gym and hosted Glouberman tournament.

Mourners at the funeral of HaRav Aharon Lichtenstein April 21 in Gush Etzion

More than a signature: The legacy of HaRav Aharon Lichtenstein

By Mati Hurwitz, Sports Editor
April 21, 2015
In the middle of a bedroom wall covered with posters of John Wooden, Peyton Manning, and Andrew Luck hangs a small printed-out letter from Yeshivat Har Etizon, “The Gush.” Scripted at the bottom left corner of the page is the signature of the true Gadol Hador, HaRav Aharon Lichtenstein zt”l.
STRIKE: Jeremy Glouberman throws the heat as Shalhevet downs YULA for the first time since 2008.

Jeremy’s gem: Glouberman pitches a complete game shutout as Shalhevet beats YULA in baseball

By Mati Hurwitz, Sports Editor
April 19, 2015
For the first time in seven springs, Shalhevet Baseball beat rival YULA yesterday, 4-0, on the baseball field at Venice High School in Mar Vista.
PARTY: Above, the girls basketball team celebrates its championship weekend in Miami Beach in February. Below left, Sigal Spitzer and Nicole Newman raise their championship trophies.

Lady Firehawks crowned national (Jewish) champs

By Mati Hurwitz, Sports Editor
March 20, 2015

The Lady Firehawks decided to skip the CIF Division 6 playoffs this year and instead tasted national gold in Miami.  By defeating...

MIAMI: Athletic Director Eli Schiff making last-minute arrangements Feb. 17  for the Lady Firehawks' trip to the Galbut Tournament.

[Photo] Girls Basketball skips playoffs to participate in Miami Galbut Tournament

February 18, 2015

MIAMI: Athletic Director Eli Schiff making last-minute arrangements Feb. 17 for the Lady Firehawks' trip to the Galbut Tournament....

TOO SOON: Morah Michal Davis, left, grieving  at her husband's coffin with their children July 13.

Morah Michal’s husband Jay Davis, z”l, remembered for genius and humility

By Mati Hurwitz, Summer Editor-in-Chief
July 15, 2014

Absolute silence was all that could be heard at Mount Sinai Simi Valley cemetery last Sunday, as over 300 people commemorated...

OUT! Freshman Ezra Hess has pitched against YULA in March.  The Firehawks finished the season with seven wins, six losses.

Memorial Day vacations looming, Shalhevet forfeits baseball playoff game

By Mati Hurwitz, Sports Editor
May 22, 2014

Shalhevet baseball is forfeiting its first-round playoff game due to players’ Memorial Day weekend plans, it was announced...

HIDDEN: White strip on wall high above the driveway covers up the sign which says "Donald T. Sterling Pavilion," honoring the LA Clippers owner who has donated to the school.

Yeshivah Gedolah covers Sterling’s name on its sports pavilion

By Mati Hurwitz, Sports Editor
April 30, 2014

Yeshiva Gedolah of Los Angeles covered up the "Donald T. Sterling Pavilion" sign on its building Monday after news broke of the...

SHOOT: Lady Firehawks watch a shot bounce off the rim as Lions' center Simone Swain (No. 12) controls the paint.

Girls basketball season ends in crushing loss in CIF finals, blowout in State

By Mati Hurwitz, Sports Editor
March 14, 2014

Shalhevet’s girls’ basketball ended a deep playoff run in a 55-37 defeat to the CIF Division 6 Champion Valley Christian Academy...

GOAL: Sophomore Dorelle Nahmany dribbles past the Lady Panthers’ defense towards victory.

Girls’ Soccer defeats YULA to end season

By Mati Hurwitz, Sports Editor
March 13, 2014

The Lady Firehawks Soccer Team defeated archrival YULA 1-0 before hundreds of students, parents and staffers from both sides who...

Red and black: Winners and losers depicted on the Maxpreps high school sports website, which coincidentally posts in Firehawk colors.

Lady Firehawks head to CIF Division 6 finals for first time, after defeating Glendale Adventist

By Mati Hurwitz, Sports Editor
March 2, 2014

For the first time in school history, the Lady Firehawks are heading to the Division 6 CIF Southern Section Finals, after the...

WIN: Senior Sharona Sedighim jabs past an Eagle to pass to her teammates at LA Adventist Academy Feb. 1.  The Lady Firehawks are seeded below the Eagles though they've defeated the team twice.

Boys and Girls basketball teams both win leagues, head for CIF playoffs

By Mati Hurwitz, Sports Editor
February 17, 2014

For the second year in a row, both the Shalhevet Boys’ and Girls’ basketball teams will open up the CIF Southern Section playoffs...

SCHOLAR: Mrs. Segal began studying Gemara after high school and first taught the subject in Houston.

With the year’s new class assignments, Mrs. Atara Segal becomes the first woman to teach Gemara in an Orthodox high school in LA

By Mati Hurwitz, Torah Editor
October 8, 2013

Breaking barriers at least in Los Angeles, Judaic Studies teacher Mrs. Atara Segal became the first woman teaching Gemara in an...

Dress code skirt crackdown was about covering the 'shok' -- but what is a 'shok'?

Dress code skirt crackdown was about covering the ‘shok’ — but what is a ‘shok’?

By Mati Hurwitz, Torah Editor
June 21, 2013

For the last three weeks of school, female students were getting skirted in the morning, and not necessarily for halachic...

FOCUS: During Shacharit earlier this month, freshman Eric Bazak read the prayer for the sick as Reb Tuli Skaist looked on.  It was added earlier this year after parents of several students were diagnosed with serious illness.

Does prayer work? Yes – and maybe

By Mati Hurwitz, Torah Editor
May 14, 2013

In the opening weeks of school last fall, at least five students learned that a parent was suffering from some form of cancer....

"Strength of Yitzhak" -- Noam and Raizie Weissman named their son for the patriarch Isaac and Noam's late grandfather, Irving Weissman.

Raizie and Noam Weissman name their son for strength and continuity

By Mati Hurwitz, Torah Editor
November 28, 2012

Eyal Yitzchak -- the strength of Yitzchak – is the name chosen by Judaic Studies Principal Noam Weissman and Student Activities...

From Mishna to Philosophy, Shalhevet Teachers Also Learn

By Mati Hurwitz, Torah Editor
September 9, 2012

By Mati Hurwitz, Torah Editor Reb Tuli Skaist is the only person on the Shalhevet Staff learning Daf Yomi, having made the...

Rare Talmud Siyum Shows Varied Styles of Learning

By Mati Hurwitz, Torah Editor
September 9, 2012

Why was only one Shalhevet student -- the author of this article -- at the Daf Yomi Siyum Hashas, held at the Dorothy Chandler...

What are students and staff repenting for this year?

By Mati Hurwitz, Torah Editor
September 7, 2012

With Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur approaching, Shalhevet students and staff have begun repenting more intensely for sins they...

Co-designer of Shalhevet’s Judaic Studies curriculum joins the faculty

By Mati Hurwitz, Torah Editor
September 7, 2012

By Mati Hurwitz, Torah Editor An Ivy League engineer and co-author of Shalhevet’s new Judaic Studies curriculum, Rabbi David...

Parshat Ki Tetzei: Honoring Your Parents

By Mati Hurwitz, Torah Editor
August 31, 2012

In Parshas Ki Teitzei, Deut. 21:18-22, we see the case of a ben sorer umoreh – a son (minor) rebellious toward his parents...

Dvar Torah Parshas Re’eh: The power of temptation — and of resisting it

By Mati Hurwitz, Torah Editor
August 16, 2012

By Mati Hurwitz, Torah Editor Parshas Re’eh opens up with Hashem giving the Jewish people a blessing and a curse. This blessing...

Moving through history, one yom at a time

By Mati Hurwitz, Torah Editor
July 13, 2012

This year at Shalhevet, we celebrated the various yoms -- the holiday days -- of the Omer appropriately. On Yom Hashoah, Holocaust...

Dvar Torah Parshas Balak

By Mati Hurwitz
July 6, 2012

In Parshas Balak, we see Bilaam initially team up with Balak in order to oppose Bnei Yisrael and curse them. Bnei Yisrael became...

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