All content by BP Photo by Goldie Fields
PRESENCE: Outgoing General Studies Principal Roy Danovitch guided hundreds of Shalhevet students through literature ranging from...
GUARDS: Learning about Ha'Shomer Ha'Chadash, a volunteer program where people build fences out of rock to protect Jewish farmer's...
LIVE: Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu addressed AIPAC conference March 2. Seventeen students from Shalhevet were there.
CONSTRUCT: Torah Editor Noah Rothman teaches students how to create a successful Torah Section at the JSPA Conference.
November 4, 2014
SUSPENDED: An ambulance pulled up to the Firehawks' home field at LACES during Thursday's flag football playoff game after a player...
HIGHER: New support beams visible at the Shalhevet construction site rise to the level of the third-story floor, much higher than...
BOOT CAMP: AP classes, including Mr. Chris Buckley's AP Statistics, started Aug. 20. School officially opens today at the Westside...
HOME FRONT:Day trips have been replaced by activities closer to the bomb shelter at the Beit Elazraki home for underprivileged...
INSPIRED: Kaili Finn looks forward to a year of personal growth in Israel.
SIGN: Mira Wolman says "I love you" in American Sign Language (ASL), which she speaks fluently.
June 12, 2014
WINNER: Sophomore Yonah Feld accepts
an honorable mention for his project.
CONFLICTED: Born into the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, teens interviewed at Jerusalem’s Mamilla Mall last month agreed that...
CHEMISTRY: Students were stunned when they learned that Dr. Smallwood would not be returning next year.
HIDDEN: White strip on wall high above the driveway covers up the sign which says "Donald T. Sterling Pavilion," honoring the...
ANSWERS: The pool will be off-limits, but the gym will be available 20 hours per week for PE during school hours.
November 16, 2013
EVIDENCE: Junior Mati Hurwitz opened the debate with things he learned in Judaic Studies classes.
November 2, 2013
EARLY: It's not quite light out as sophomore Joseph Schnitzer leads Shacharit at the Hashkama Minyan, which starts at 7:25 a.m....
October 11, 2013
LEAVING: Dr. Melissa Noel did research on fetal alcohol syndrome before becoming a teacher.
STILL SMILING: City Controller Wendy Greuel stayed optimistic - and friendly - as the vote tally turned toward Councilman Eric...
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