Hannah-Leeba Ellenhorn was elected chair of the Agenda Committee, while Yan Kligerman and Paul Merritt became co-chairs of Fairness, in the first finalized results from an election held Monday at lunch in the Beit Midrash.
Jennie Drazin and Tamar Willis were elected Student Activities co-chairs.
Winners of vice chair and secretary positions and grade-level representatives were announced Tuesday morning.
At lunchtime Monday, a line of students waiting to vote stretched the entire length of the Beit Midrash, and two-and-a-half hours later, ballots began to be counted in the Student Activities room by Student Activities Director Mrs. Raizie Weissman. Mr. Buckley, who also coaches the flag football teams, had a girls game after school and couldn’t finish the counting.
Campaigns for votes had started last week. For the first Town Hall of the year, Sept. 12, student candidates for Agenda, Fairness and SAC made pitches to the voters, promoting themselves using videos and speeches. Their peers responded enthusiastically to the videos, and sat respectfully while listening to the speeches.
Agenda Committee runs Town Hall, setting the agenda with topics meant to give students a voice for their opinions and also ensuring that the meetings run smoothly.
Hannah-Leeba created a new video for the occasion, while her opponent, fellow senior Yosef Nemanpour, used charts and also showed his campaign video from two years ago, when he ran successfully for SAC.
“I’m really, really invested in this committee,” said Hannah, who added that she had served three years on Agenda and led several Town Halls as vice chair last year.
Yosef brought in a pie chart and a bar graph. One showed “How great I am: 95 percent,” while the other said: “Coolness: 95 percent.”
The Fairness Committee receives and resolves complaints ranging from alleged teacher unfairness, such as unreasonable grades or excessive homework, to teacher or administrative complaints about individual students or even the whole student body.
Paul Merritt and Yan Kligerman were opposed by Joelle Edry and Liat Menna, both pairs running as teams. Voters were allowed to split their tickets, however, and vote for any two they wanted.
Student Activities, also referred to as SAC, plan light-hearted programs for the student body. Three candidates ran for chair: Tamar, Jennie, and fellow senior David Ohana. Students could vote for any two.
Unlike in previous years, Just Community elections were held in the fall instead of the previous spring, meaning freshmen could vote for the first time. No one had signed up to run for freshman representatives, so Mr. Buckley asked whether anyone wanted to run.
Three of the freshmen raised their hands, and volunteered to run for spots on the three committees. Results of that race, too, are expected Tuesday morning.