JEN HURVITZ: Through winding journey, a passion for helping kids

Ezra Fax

SUPPORT: New Educational Support Specialist Jen Hurvitz, a close friend of the department’s director Ms. Ashley Evins, is looking forward to working with students one on one instead of in large classes.

By Benjamin Zaghi, Opinion Editor

Ms. Jen Hurvitz, new Educational Support Specialist, discovered a growing passion to help kids when she was studying sociology at UC Santa Barbara.

After that, she tried working in other kinds of jobs and industries, but she always seemed to go back to teaching and working with kids.

“When you realize something fits your personality and your interest, then you know it is not a coincidence,” said Ms. Hurvitz. “Working in this kind of field is definitely where I connect to.”

Teaching pre-Algebra and Algebra at Westview School for six years, Ms. Hurvitz spent the bulk of her time with whole classrooms of students. Now, as assistant to Ms. Ashley Evins, she’ll be working one-on- one with Shalhevet students who need tutoring and other accommodations to reach their potential in school.

“This will definitely be a different kind of role,” said Ms. Hurvitz.

Other jobs Ms. Hurvitz has held have included volunteering at the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee in 2008, where she went on a seven-day trip to Lithuania and Estonia.

“We cleaned Jewish cemeteries and worked with the Jewish youths in the community,” said Ms. Hurvitz. “It was an amazing experience.”

Ms. Hurvitz said she learned about Shalhevet from Ms. Evins, who is a close friend of hers. She said she hopes that together they will be able to facilitate a “clear, constant stream of communication between students, teachers and parents.”

Ms. Hurvitz says she’s an easy person to talk to, and loves to cook, hike and practice yoga.

“I don’t really have pet peeves,” she added. “Maybe I am just a patient person,” said Ms. Hurvitz.