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Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

TOGETHER: Rabbi Block  (facing camera) and Rabbi Sufrin hugged before the Shalhevet vs. YULA soccer game March 19 in a display of public unity.

Rabbis Block and Sufrin call for unity after skit mocking Shalhevet and social activism

By Tali Liebenthal, Community Editor
March 28, 2022

At a Shalhevet soccer game against YULA on March 19, YULA Head of School Rabbi Arye Sufrin apologized to Shalhevet students, parents...

LAYUP: Point guard Edan Sokol elevates to the rim in the second round against Lancaster High School in the CIF playoffs Feb. 17.

Firehawks face Milken tonight in historic CIF championship game

By Clara Sandler, Torah Editor
March 1, 2017

For the first time in history, it is a certainty that a Jewish school will win the CIF Southern Section 4A basketball division....

NEW: Ms. Sarah Emerson, has taken over as of last week. She is
the sister of YULA Boys Head of School.

New Executive Director has background in corporate law

By Ma’ayan Waldman, Co-Editor-in-Chief
January 11, 2017

Ms. Sarah Emerson Helfand, former Cedars-Sina Medical Center Senior Development Officer and the sister of Rabbi Dov Emerson, the...

SWING: Jake Hofheimer batted and junior Alex Silberstein caught for the Firehawks as New Roads defeated Shalhevet 7 - 2  in Santa Monica April 13.

For transgender baseball player from New Roads, sports help make him ‘one of the guys’

By Hannah Jannol, Arts & Culture Editor
July 2, 2016
A New Roads batter stepped up to the plate in the bottom of the fifth inning at a Shalhevet-New Roads game April 13. Firehawk pitcher Asher Remer pitched the ball across the field to him, and the New Roads batter swung the metal bat and was struck out. He was out, but a teammate high-fived him as he trotted back to the bench and others hollered a job well done.
RAISE YOUR GLASS: Board treasurer Jeff Fishman drank some wine Thursday night on the day he signed papers closing the sale of Shalhevet's building to Alliance Residential.  Rabbi Segal and board president Larry Gill were out of town.

Shalhevet closes building sale–finally

Ten months after construction was supposed to start and ending a series of delays caused by permit challenges from neighbors,...

QUESTIONS: As students watched, members of the Los Angeles Fire Department conferred outside the Annex Thursday morning, Oct. 31.  No cause for the alarm had been found as of Thursday afternoon.

Fire truck arrives on campus after alarm goes off, cause is unknown

By Tamar Willis, Deputy Editor-in-Chief
October 31, 2013

Executive Director Robyn Lewis said that the Los Angeles Fire Department and school officials were not able to find the cause...

Color War opened with drug-testing ruse

By Leila Miller, Editor in Chief
June 29, 2012

In a new twist to Color War breakout, the Student Activities Committee spread a fake story among the student body saying that...

Sole support: Students donate shoes for Japan

By Robin Ashkenazi, Staff Writer
April 18, 2011

Led by science teacher Mari Rosales, a group of students dropped off 17 bags of shoes at the Beverly Connection’s Sports Chalet...

‘Race to Nowhere’ highlights pitfalls of school stress

By Tamar Willis, Staff Writer
March 11, 2011

Panel of experts says school should be different. Imagine a crowd of teachers, students and parents finding out that more than...

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