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Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

All content by Nate Erez
2017: Bryant won an Oscar award for Dear Basketball, a short film he wrote and narrated

Grew up with you

By Nate Erez, Class of ‘13
January 27, 2020

I watched you from even before I was able to understand basketball. I didn't just grow up watching you. I grew up with you. You...

For Rabbi Schwarzberg, it’s back to school — on purpose

By Nate Erez, Torah Editor
September 12, 2011

Rabbi Ari Schwarzberg is no stranger to being a student. He earned his s’micha (ordination) at Yeshiva University and spent...

Husband-and-wife Judaic team aims to inspire

By Nate Erez, Torah Editor
September 5, 2011

By Nate Erez, Torah Editor Mr. Tuli and Mrs. Ruthi Skaist, the new husband-and-wife Judaic Studies team, experienced their...

Attacks in Israel this week

By Nate Erez, Torah Editor
August 29, 2011

By Nate Erez, Torah Editor   In a story that was still developing this week, attacks on Israel spread from Eilat to...

Mrs. Frankel wins Federation’s “Next Big Jewish Idea” competition with “Launchbox” idea

By Nate Erez, Torah Editor
August 27, 2011

For those of us who study Tanach, Gemarah and Jewish philosophy for several hours every day, the notion that Judaism could fit...

Owner of Pizza World, Chick'n'Chow to take over cafeteria

Owner of Pizza World, Chick’n’Chow to take over cafeteria

By Nate Erez, Torah Editor
August 26, 2011

By Nate Erez, Torah Editor   Darren Melamed, owner of the kosher fast food restaurants Pizza World and Chick’n'Chow,...

From Romeo to Leon Bass, making culture come alive

By Nate Erez, Community Editor
June 29, 2011

English teacher Ms. Nancy Sterman, known for bringing authors to speak to her classes and also for organizing larger events through...

Leona Fallas, Rose Bern elected to Agenda; Ariella Joffe wins for SAC

By Nate Erez, Community Editor
June 6, 2011

With all on-site ballots and seniors’ electronic votes tallied, junior Leona Fallas was elected next year’s Agenda Committee...

Boiling Point garners seven awards

By Nate Erez, Community Editor
June 3, 2011

The Shalhevet Boiling Point won five national awards in the 2011 Quill and Scroll International Writing/Photo Contest, and won...

Leona Fallas, Rose Bern, Ariella Joffe win elections

Leona Fallas, Rose Bern, Ariella Joffe win elections

By Nate Erez, Community Editor
May 26, 2011

With all on-site ballots and seniors' electronic votes tallied, junior Leona Fallas was elected next year's Agenda Committee chair,...

Alumni join celebrations in New York, Washington

By Nate Erez, Community Editor
May 5, 2011

Thousands of college students celebrated in the streets surrounding the White House and Ground Zero after President Obama announced...

Students in N.Y., D.C. celebrate death of Bin Laden

Students in N.Y., D.C. celebrate death of Bin Laden

By Nate Erez, Community Editor
May 2, 2011

Thousands of college students celebrated in the streets surrounding the White House and Ground Zero after President Obama announced...

A year after Haiti and a month after Japan, plans but still no earthquake supplies at Shalhevet

By Nate Erez, Community Editor
April 21, 2011

In March of last year, a few months after a devastating earthquake struck Haiti, Shalhevet was inspected by Mr. Richard Druyen...

Plane carrying debate team home from Penn MC makes emergency landing in St. Louis

By Nate Erez, Community Editor, and Ari Feuer, Opinion Editor
April 4, 2011

All students and chaperones arrived home safely in Los Angeles on Monday morning after the jet carrying most of the Model Congress...

Snooze or lose: The problem with being sleepy

Snooze or lose: The problem with being sleepy

By Nate Erez, Community Editor
March 12, 2011

Ever come home from a long day of school to do hours of homework and then go to sleep long after you want to as a result? Wake...

Standing against hate, on two continents

By Nate Erez, Community Editor
March 11, 2011

There’s always something worse. As an African-American soldier fighting in WWII, then-Private Leon Bass nursed a sense of...

Director of curriculum leaves after one semester

By Nate Erez, Community Editor
March 10, 2011

After one-and-a-half years at Shalhevet, Dr. Debora Parks, Director of Curriculum and Instruction, has not returned for the second...

Gone fishin’: Sophomores reel in halacha

By Nate Erez, Staff Writer
October 26, 2010

As the sun rose last Friday morning, Mrs. Williams’ 10th grade Tanach class ventured out into the Pacific to catch some fish...

Competition spices up school elections

Competition spices up school elections

By Nate Erez, Staff Writer
June 23, 2010

Toby Bern edged out Keren Meir for Agenda Chair and  Meshi Amzalag defeated two candidates for vice chair in the most competitive...

Used with permission from the United States Centers for Disease Control.

East Coast mumps outbreak reaches LA Jewish day schools

By Nate Erez, Staff Writer
May 24, 2010

A mumps outbreak affecting primarily the Chassidic community on the East Coast has spread to Los Angeles, with 12 cases reported...

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