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Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Eliana Vahedifar

Eliana Vahedifar, Features Editor and Opinion Editor

Eliana Vahedifar, 11th grade, joined the Boiling Point her freshman year as a staff writer, and now serves as Features Editor and Opinion Editor. Outside of Boiling Point, Eliana is captain of Shalhevet's Model Congress, captain of the soccer team, a grade-level representative on the Agenda Committee, and a member of the flag football team. In her free time, Eliana likes to listen to music, read, go to the beach and spend time with friends and family.

All content by Eliana Vahedifar
SOCIAL: Mr. Reusch has an active social media account and wants to teach people how to think.  Students said he encouraged them to express and develop their opinions.

Mr. Reusch, social studies teacher and more, leaves to start a school online

By Eliana Vahedifar, Staff Writer
May 16, 2024

Mr. William Reuch, the founder of Shalhevet’s Civics course, social studies teacher and Model Congress advisor, is leaving Shalhevet...

GOLD: In New York City, Chief Layout Editor Tehilla Fishman and Co-Editor-in-Chief Benjamin Gamson held the Boiling Point's 11th Consecutive Crown Award as BP editors and photo staff celebrated opposite Columbia University's Graduate School of Journalism. The award, for combined print-and-mobile news media, was Shalhevet's ninth Gold crown and honored work published during the 2021-22 school year.

Boiling Point, topping 30 national awards this year, went east for CSPA, JSPA

By Eliana Vahedifar, 9th Grade
June 20, 2023

For the combined work of the staff as well as individual stories, photos and design, the Boiling Point won record numbers of awards...

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