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Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

All content by By the Boiling Point Editorial Board
TALK: Representatives of the C-T Watch security company address a 90-minute Town Hall Sept. 21 in the gym.

EDITORIAL: Disaster drills save lives. We need them here.

  In the last few decades, school shootings have become an incessant problem facing high schools across America....

Boiling Point Unsigned Editorials

Let’s rename the Wildfire Theater

Few if any students at Shalhevet today have any memory of Nat Reynolds, z"l, who died last summer at the age of 86. But all...

OPINION: Fake Instagram accounts can’t escape teen realities

Finstas, or ‘fake’ Instagram accounts, can be an innocent way to share funny moments in school, ugly selfies, and cute throwback...

OPINION: Build the ground zero mosque

OPINION: Build the ground zero mosque

Discussion of the so-called “Ground Zero mosque” is inescapable. It’s on the news, the radio and on the lips of most everyone...

We understand, but still...

We understand, but still…

Armageddon. That's the thought  that springs to mind, watching the middle school students and staff the morning after the announcement...

YULA, youre us

YULA, you’re us

The varsity boys’ basketball game against YULA on February 13th was a turning point in Shalhevet sports. Though the Firehawks...

Tuning up Shalhevet elections

Tuning up Shalhevet elections

Did you vote in our last school election? Do you know what was voted on and whether it passed? Yes, because the last election...

Flaws and all, grapple with ‘Goldstone’

The world's eyes never seem to leave Israel, but it appears they're looking with even more concentration following Operation Cast...

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