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Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

All content by BP PHOTO by Katia Surpin
LISTENER: Students said Ms. Katya Malikov is known for  having confidence in all students and for being a good listener.  She has taught at Shalhevet for six years.

[Photo] Malikov leaving after six years, will teach at new UCLA high school

By Eva Suissa, Opinion Editor
April 21, 2017

LISTENER: Students said Ms. Katya Malikov is known for having confidence in all students and for being a good listener. She...

Rosh Hashanah starts tonight. Happy 5777 everyone from the Boiling Point!

[Photo] Beyond apples and honey: Rosh Hashanah food traditions vary widely, student survey shows

By Nicole Soussana, Torah Editor
October 2, 2016

Rosh Hashanah starts tonight. Happy 5777 everyone from the Boiling Point!

CONTEST: Bennett Schneier, second from right, faced Micha Thau, Rosie Wolkind and Maya Golan in a pre-election debate yesterday.

[Photo] Voters choose newcomers to lead Agenda Committee

By Zev Kent, Sports Editor
July 11, 2016

CONTEST: Bennett Schneier, second from right, faced Micha Thau, Rosie Wolkind and Maya Golan in a pre-election debate yesterday.

Fruit Vendors

[Photo] Two blocks but worlds apart

By Lucy Fried, Staff Writer
June 30, 2016

TRAILER: Classes worked inside a Mobile Film Classroom truck to research the Los Angeles housing crisis and later to edit the documentary, which debuts next fall .

[Photo] Classes create documentary exploring rising housing prices

By Ma’ayan Waldman, Community Editor
June 15, 2016

TRAILER: Classes worked inside a Mobile Film Classroom truck to research the Los Angeles housing crisis and later to edit the...

FAREWELL: School founder Dr. Jerry Friedman spoke at graduation in the new building took place in the gym June 5.  Percentage of graduates going to Israel for gap year has been rising.

[Photo] 60 percent of seniors will head to Israel, most to yeshiva, seminary

By Clara Sandler, Staff Writer
June 15, 2016

FAREWELL: School founder Dr. Jerry Friedman spoke at graduation in the new building took place in the gym June 5. Percentage...

MENTORSHIP: Harvard Westlake journalists present highlights from their page, the Chronicle, and give tips.

[Photo] Third JSPA conference views journalism through a Jewish lens

By Sharon Khalil, Staff Writer
May 24, 2016

MENTORSHIP: Harvard Westlake journalists present highlights from their page, the Chronicle, and give tips.

PRODIGY: Mrs. Malikov teaching a freshman Algebra class last month. She emigrated from Russia as a newlywed after earning degrees in mathematics at Moscow University.

[Photo] TEACHER TALES: For Ms. Malikov, obstacles have paved a path to success

By Hannah Diamond, Staff Writer
May 17, 2016

PRODIGY: Mrs. Malikov teaching a freshman Algebra class last month. She emigrated from Russia as a newlywed after earning degrees...

GAMING: Juniors Alex Silberstein and Lindsay Schacht face off during a lunch time FIFA match. Alex organized the FIFA tournament.

[Photo] Not quite a sport, but video game craze takes over lunch

By Eytan Kent, Staff Writer
May 16, 2016

GAMING: Juniors Alex Silberstein and Lindsay Schacht face off during a lunch time FIFA match. Alex organized the FIFA tournament....

LEAPFROG: Seniors J.J. Helperin and Josh Joffe, cheered on by teammates, help lead the black team to victory in the first-ever Apache Relay.

[Photo] Four grades fight to the finish in newly expanded Color War

April 20, 2016

TRAFFIC: A black car parked in the lobby by seniors greeted students on the first full day of Color War.

There are 65 pieces of student art work up against the walls.

[Photo] In Shalhevet’s lobby, a Guggenheim of the West

By Hannah Jannol, Arts & Culture Editor
April 14, 2016

There are 65 pieces of student art work up against the walls.

OPTIONS: Caterer Jacob Schwartz has brought in more options to Shalhevet's lunches on Tuesdays and Thursdays. So far he's not using the school kitchens, however.

[Photo] Lunches By Jacob diversifies lunch program

By Lucy Fried, Staff Writer
March 30, 2016

OPTIONS: Caterer Jacob Schwartz has brought in more options to Shalhevet's lunches on Tuesdays and Thursdays. So far he's not...

RESEARCH: Biology teacher Dr. Melissa Noel discovered one way that fetal alcohol syndrome leads to neuronal death and brain problems.

[Photo] TEACHER TALES: A path to science and a new home

By Hannah Diamond, Staff Columnist
February 10, 2016

RESEARCH: Biology teacher Dr. Melissa Noel discovered one way that fetal alcohol syndrome leads to neuronal death and brain problems.

WATCHFUL: Manny Fernandez, Director of Security, monitoring cameras from the gate-control booth in the driveway.  Below, the front gate of the school extends to driveway roof and cannot be climbed.

[Photo] School security, already heightened, increased after attacks and LAUSD hoax

By Elon Glouberman, Outside News Editor
January 24, 2016

WATCHFUL: Manny Fernandez, Director of Security, monitoring cameras from the gate-control booth in the driveway. Below, the front...

FOCUS: Coach Flava advises his team during a timeout.

[Photo] Lady Firehawks are first-ever Glouberman champs — and more

By Clara Sandler, Staff Writer
January 13, 2016

FOCUS: Coach Flava advises his team during a timeout.

AGGRESSION: FireHawk star point guard Asher Remer leapt toward the basket as a member of the Berman Cougars jumped to block him.

[Photo] Even in third place, Firehawks host a winner in Glouberman Tournament

By Eric Bazak, Editor-in-Chief
January 14, 2016

CHEER: Students cheer in the bleachers during a Saturday night game.

CHALLENGE: Mr. Reusch teaches Shalhevet’s US History class. He previously taught at inner-city schools.

[Photo] TEACHER TALK: Changing trajectories

By Hannah Diamond, Staff Writer
November 21, 2015

CHALLENGE: Mr. Reusch teaches Shalhevet’s US History class. He previously taught at inner-city schools.

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