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Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

VIDEO: First Day of School

By Ariel Mazar and Etan Lerner
August 29, 2023

This video follows scenes of the first day of the 2023–24 school year, and also features interviews with students and teachers...

VIDEO: Is Your Favorite Water Brand Really the Best?

By Ariel Mazar, 9th Grade
May 30, 2023

Four students and one teacher were given the chance to see if they could tell which water was which, including one they said was...

VIDEO: Exploring LA, Episode 1 – Stoneview Nature Center

By Etan Lerner, Staff Writer
May 25, 2023

Tucked within Baldwin Hills off South La Cienega Boulevard in Culver City lies the newest Los Angeles County park. Known as Stoneview...

VIDEO: Yom Ha’atzmaut 5783: Reflections and Connections

By Etan Lerner, 9th Grade
May 10, 2023

“Everything that they brought – the food, the activities, and the props that they brought – it’s amazing,” Ms Davis-Bryski...

What are you repenting for on Yom Kippur 5783?

What are you repenting for on Yom Kippur 5783?

By Vivienne Schlussel, Video Editor
October 3, 2022

HYPE: Junior Dani Kunin cheers into the microphone during the pep rally Friday as students and players get excited for the upcoming Steve Glouberman Basketball Tournament, which starts Nov. 3.

Spirit, swag and real competition are back as Glouberman returns to gym

By Noah Elad, Sports Editor
November 2, 2021

Students will once again be seen peeking down from the second-floor hallway into the gym trying to catch a glimpse of a basketball...

VIDEO: Rabbi Segal Looks Back

By Jacob Hoenig and Liad Machmali
August 27, 2021

Over his 10 years as Head of School at Shalhevet, Rabbi Ari Segal says he tried to create an institution that allowed for growth...

VIDEO: Shalhevet faces YULA in baseball May 16, 2021

By Jacob Hoenig, Video Staff
June 14, 2021

For more on the game, click here for Benjamin Gamson's full report.

VIDEO: What does Shalhevet think about being back in person?

By Joshua Gamson
May 23, 2021

When the school year ended for the Shalhevet senior class, so did online learning for everyone. Seniors’ last day of school...

Same breath that carries the music now quiets the choir

By Keira Beller, Staff Writer
December 23, 2020

Nothing is the same for the Shalhevet Choirhawks, who are now completely barred from singing together, unable to have even just...

VIDEO: Local Businesses Board Up For Election Day

By Molly Litvak, Editor-in-Chief
November 4, 2020

Just a few months after some George Floyd demonstrations turned violent last June, stores and businesses in Shalhevet neighborhoods...

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