Monday is first of two Just Community Election Days
Fairness slots will be decided tomorrow, while Agenda Chair and some SAC posts will wait until Friday
HANGING: Banners and flyers have been put up by candidates around the school last week ahead of elections this week.
May 1, 2022
Just Community officer elections will take place in two parts, beginning this Monday for all positions other than Agenda Chair, SAC Chair, and SAC Vice Chair.
Campaign presentations will occur on Monday during Flex for Fairness Co-Chairs and Secretary, Agenda Secretary and Vice Chair, and SAC Secretary, followed by a vote on Google forms, according to Henry Fried, current co-chair of the Fairness Committee, which supervises elections.
Henry said he did not know for certain yet how long the form would be open, but that it would likely be open for one hour.
The rest of the elections will take Friday, May 7, during Town Hall, when there will be an Agenda Chair debate. SAC Co-Chairs and Vice Chair will happen then as well.
Candidates running for SAC have the option of making a video presentation, while all other candidates must give a speech, Henry said.
All of the races this year are contested.
There are three candidates each for Agenda Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary.
Fairness Secretary has five candidates, and Fairness Co-chairs (two positions) have four candidates.
The Student Activities Committee (SAC) has three candidates running for secretary, four for vice chair and four candidates for the two positions of SAC co-chair.
Here is the complete list, arranged by day of voting:
Election Monday, May 2
Fairness Co-chairs (vote for 2):
Eliana Kerendian
Elliot Serure
Jaden Silver
Sean Silver
Agenda Vice Chair:
Shira Eleyzadeh
Mordechai Heller
Rami Melmed
Fairness Secretary:
Davina Benelyahu
Adam Harkahm
Malia Nagel
Tamar Rose
Kyla Zachary
Agenda Secretary:
Olivia Petlak
Mateo Robinson (withdrew)
Ariel Shapiro
SAC Secretary:
Keren Tizabi
Mikayla Namvar
Eton Alon
Election Friday, May 6
Agenda Chair:
Keira Beller
Jack Metzger
Eli Weiss
SAC Co-chairs (vote for 2):
Evan Beller
Avi Litvak
Dani Kunin
Hannah Nili
SAC Vice Chair:
Chaim Cohen
Adi Liebenthal
Chana Light
Zane Mendelson