Covid Tracker – January 26-27

Logo Design by Sarah Feuer, Photo by Benjamin Gamson

POLL: View a slideshow of poll results by clicking through the Gallery box below.

By Benjamin Gamson, Eli Weiss, and Molly Litvak

This week, the number of students and staff who said that they had ever tested positive for Covid-19 went down —  from 11 in the poll that was conducted two weeks ago to nine this week, reflecting a change in the people who choose to participate in the poll. The percentage also decreased from 8.6% of 128 respondents Jan. 5 to 6.6% of 136 respondents on Jan. 26.

However, the number and percentage of students and staff who said they had been exposed to coronavirus increased, from 37 people (28.9%%) in the Jan. 5 tracker to 40 people (29.4%) this week. 

The Boiling Point is conducting a Covid-19 tracking project to watch how Covid cases are progressing not only at school but among friends, family and personal acquaintances of Shalhevet community members. 

The survey is not scientific. Originally it was posted whenever there was a Town Hall, but it is now published every other week, and community members including students, faculty and staff have until midnight the following night to respond.

This week’s poll was posted (and linked on Schoology and in other school chats) Jan. 26 – 27. There were 136 students and staff who responded. 

The numbers and percentage of students and staff who responded that someone in their own household had had Covid-19 also increased, from 17 people (13.3%) in the Jan. 5 tracker to 22 people (16.2%) this week. 

And the percentage of community members who know someone who has contracted Covid-19 also increased between these two polls, though the percentage decreased — from 117 (91.4%) people to 123 (90.4%) people this week. 

The percentage of people responding who said they knew personally someone who had died from the illness decreased from 36.7% (47 of 128) to 18.4% (25 of 136).  This compares with 40 students and staff who knew someone who had died when the Boiling Point Covid Tracker was initiated Oct. 13- 14. That poll had 143 respondents.

Now that vaccine distribution is underway, the Covid Tracker has added a question asking whether the respondent or anyone in their household has received it. 

This week, 26.5% (36) of respondents answered that they or someone in their household had received one dose, and 13.2% (18) people responded saying two doses. That left 60.3% (82) who said either that no one in their household had received any doses or that they were unsure.

Click on the gallery below to see answers to all Jan. 26-27 Covid Tracker questions.

Type “Covid Tracker” in the search box for information on previous time periods.