Senior fundraiser auctions off parking spot
WINNER: Senior Nicole Newman poses next to her prize, a spot for a month in the on-campus staff parking lot.
November 22, 2015
One lucky senior doesn’t have to park off campus for the next two months.
A recent fundraiser for the senior trip auctioned off one parking space in the already crowded teachers’ parking lot to licensed juniors and seniors.
Nicole Newman, who happened to purchase the most tickets of those who bought, told the Boiling Point that her win was like killing two birds with one stone. “I knew the money was basically going to support the Poland-Israel experience,” she said. “Why not get a good spot in the process?”
Her spot will last for two months and then there will be another raffle. Before the lottery Nicole used street parking.
According to senior class president Rachel Sentchuck, the raffle raised $220. Nicole spent $60 — thinking at the time that the spot was for the whole year. The tickets were one for $5, but there were deals such as five for $35 and 10 for $60.
At a dramatic drawing in the gym during Town Hall, Rachel declared Nicole as the winner. Several students gave her a standing ovation and cheered her name.
Rachel told the Boiling Point that the school administration was on board with the raffle even though its own parking is limited.
There are 47 regular spots and two handicapped. According to Facilities Manager Lili Einalhori, there are around 11 people from administration, offices and custodial staff who are parked in the lot from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The rest of the faculty comes and goes because teachers have varied schedules and take one another’s spots once they leave.
Mrs. Einalhori said once construction is finished on the apartment complex being built next door, Shalhevet’s former student parking lot across Fairfax- now being used for the builder’s trucks and trailers – will again be available to students.
“I think its a great idea and great fundraiser,” Mrs. Einalhori said. “I’m very proud of the kids who thought of it.”