What you need to know for Heat Wave Week

COOL: Freshman classes will meet at Young Israel of Century City this week. Sophomores will be at Bnai David-Judea. Both synagogues are air-conditioned; the JCC is not.
September 15, 2014
So let me guess. You are a Shalhevet student and still extremely confused about which of your several co-curriculars and sports have been canceled due to the school splitting and which activities you are expected to attend. We are here to help you. The following is a quick summary for what you need to know about the upcoming heat wave week.
- FRESHMEN AND SOPHOMORES: First off, if you have been living under a rock the past few days, you should know that the underclassmen are moving away from the JCC until the heat dies down. Freshmen are taking classes at Young Israel of Century City, while the sophomores are going to Bnai-David Judea. These are shuls on Pico Boulevard. If you don’t know where they are, ask someone. Half the school goes to those shuls.
- JUNIORS AND SENIORS: will remain at the JCC, in the rooms that contain air conditioning.
- DISMISSAL TIME: School will end at different times on different days – at 3:55 Monday through Wednesday, 3:30 on Thursday, and 1:50 on Friday. Classes are being shortened and passing times lengthened — mostly, to 25 minutes — so teachers (and some students) can travel between school sites.
- FIELD TRIP: Sophomores will have an educational field trip on Wednesday, since B’nai David cannot host them that day.
- FOOD! Those who are on the lunch program will still have their catered lunch delivered everyday, regardless of their location. Underclassmen may go to restaurants on their own at lunchtime, but only on the same side of Pico as the shul where their classes are. That means ninth graders can go to Nagila, Nagila Meating, Shanghai and Pizza Station, while sophomores can enjoy Jeff’s, Bibi’s, and Meshuga4Sushi, to name just a few.
- CIJE: Cancelled until further notice.
- SPORTS: All sports practices and tryouts have been cancelled until further notice due to the heat.
- DRAMA AND DEBATE are meeting as normal. School will provide transportation to the JCC for underclassmen.
- CHOIRHAWKS practice is cancelled tomorrow only because of Back-to-School Night but will resume as normal on Wednesday including makeup tryouts. School will provide transportation to the JCC for underclassmen.
- CARPOOLS should use the alleys behind YICC and Bnai David for pick-up and drop-off.
- BACK-TO-SCHOOL NIGHT will go on as planned for freshman and sophomore parents at the JCC. Parents of juniors and seniors will watch videos of their kids’ teachers instead.
- OUT-OF-GRADE CLASSES: Particular students who share classes with other grades will also be provided with transportation around the different buildings as needed.
- WEATHER REPORT: The weather forecast for Monday and Tuesday, which last week had predicted temperatures in the 98- 100-degree range, has moderated somewhat, with highs of 95 now expected both days. Watch the Boiling Point’s Facebook page for updates on the temperature in the JCC beginning at noon Monday.
Head of school Rabbi Segal made the announcement about splitting the school on Thursday, Sept. 11, asking students and parents keep calm and carry on during the crazy week.
“I ask for everyone’s patience and positive attitude during this challenging time,” Rabbi Segal said in the email. “It is my hope and belief that this will all be a distant memory once the weather cools somewhat.”
The boys flag football game against YULA, which was scheduled to be on Sunday, Sept. 14, was postponed, a decision agreed upon by the administrations of both schools. Volleyball tryouts, even though the court was indoors, have also been postponed because of no air-conditioning inside the gym.
Related: It’s back to JCC after Heat Wave Week ends early
Related: Sophomores enjoying cool air, chill atmosphere at Bnai David-Judea
Related: JCC weather live
Related: VIDEO: Heat Wave Week
Related: Heat wave next week will send school to area synagogues
Related: Letter from Rabbi Segal outlining special procedures for Heat Wave Week
Related: 2014-15 school year opens at JCC