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Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Ella Hoenig

Ella Hoenig, Co-Photo Editor

Ella Hoenig, 11th grade, joined Boiling Point during the first semester of her freshman year. She served as Photo Editor during her sophomore year and is continuing on as Co-Photo Editor in her junior year. Outside of Shalhevet, Ella volunteers at Friendship Circle with people with special needs and works at Beth Jacob Congregation. In her free time, she enjoys watching movies, hanging out with her friends and baking.

All content by Ella Hoenig
GLOW: The sun burns orange and yellow surrounded by smoke in a rooftop view from Shalhevet the morning of Jan. 8. The sky remained dark throughout 7:20 hashkama minyan and first period.

[Photo] Shalhevet student left with clothes, backpack as home destroyed in Palisades fire

By Sophie Katz, Editor-in-Chief
February 17, 2025

GLOW: The sun burns orange and yellow surrounded by smoke in a rooftop view from Shalhevet the morning of Jan. 8. The sky remained...

QUESTION: Seniors have a new consideration of anti-Israel demonstrations on campuses to factor into their college decisions.

[Photo] Anti-Israel demonstrations weigh on seniors’ college choices

By Ayala Katz, 9th Grade
February 6, 2025

QUESTION: Seniors have a new consideration of anti-Israel demonstrations on campuses to factor into their college decisions.

HOMAGE: Mr. Souza, best known for spray-painting murals of Israeli leaders on storefront shutters in Jerusalem’s Machane Yehudah marketplace, created a new second-floor artwork commemorating Oct. 7. The theme is “After things are destroyed, we rebuild,” he said.

[Photo] Solomon Souza, famous in Israel for Machane Yehudah murals, returns to school painting an Oct. 7 commemoration artwork

By Sasha Mittman, 9th Grade
February 6, 2025

PROGRESS: Mr. Souza starts his paintings by first sketching out basic shapes. He painted the new Oct. 7 commemoration over the...

HIDING: Juniors Noah Selick and Sam Backer take cover under a table during the earthquake drill in October. The drill was part of a national earthquake awareness initiative called The Great ShakeOut.

[Photo] First earthquake drill in at least five years held as administration boosts student security

By Gavi Katrikh, 9th Grade
December 25, 2024

HIDING: Juniors Noah Selick and Sam Backer take cover under a table during the earthquake drill in October. The drill was part...

HONORED: Mr. Richard Sandler, Milken Family Foundation’s Executive Vice President, shakes hand with Rabbi Schwarzberg while presenting him the Jewish Educator Award. Neither students nor Rabbi Schwarzberg knew what the surprise assembly was about when the school gathered at the end of the day on Sept. 23.

[Photo] Rabbi Ari Schwarzberg honored with Jewish Educator Award at school-wide assembly

By Simon Goldberg, 9th Grade
December 11, 2024

HONORED: Mr. Richard Sandler, Milken Family Foundation’s Executive Vice President, shakes hand with Rabbi Schwarzberg while...

POCKET: Junior Zachary Schechter places his phone in a wall-hanging cell phone holder before his English class begins. A first, second and third offense system is used for consequences if a student is caught with their phone.

[Photo] New cell phone policy introduced following changes across Los Angeles community

By Sonya Katzin
October 8, 2024

POCKET: Junior Zachary Schechter places his phone in a wall-hanging cell phone holder before his English class begins. A first,...

ATHLETICS: Mr. Tim Tucker, former Shalhevet basketball coach, returned this year as the Athletic Director. Mr. Tucker said he wants to improve the sports program by giving equal time and attention to every athletics team.

[Photo] New Teachers 24-25: Kustanowitz, Tucker

By Zecharya Rosenthal and Sonya Katzin
September 20, 2024

ATHLETICS: Mr. Tim Tucker, former Shalhevet basketball coach, returned this year as the Athletic Director. Mr. Tucker said he...

ELEVATION: Ms. Rebecca Mintz loves using her mind in different ways, she told the Boiling Point. She is also an avid hiker and former park ranger.

[Photo] New Teachers 24-25: Zack, Mintz, Anders

By Natalie Gul, Mindy Nagel, and Bella Graber
September 8, 2024

ELEVATION: Ms. Rebecca Mintz loves using her mind in different ways, she told the Boiling Point. She is also an avid hiker and...

OFF: Students place their phones on tables in preparation for Town Hall March 5, ths first of three phone-free Town Hall after th'trials' mandated by the Fairness and Agenda committees with administrative

[Photo] After a three-week trial period, students vote 2-1 for no phones at Town Hall

By Martzi Hirsch and Joshua Gamson
May 31, 2024

OFF: Students place their phones on tables in preparation for Town Hall March 5, ths first of three phone-free Town Hall after...

MUNCH: A Boiling Point survey has a hunch that a bunch don't eat lunch.

[Photo] Hungry? Survey shows nearly half of students come to school with no plan for lunch

By Mira Schulman, Features Editor
May 24, 2024

MUNCH: A Boiling Point survey has a hunch that a bunch don't eat lunch.

HOLY: From right, Rabbi Lieberman, Rabbi Stein and Elizabeth Izak observe the heavenly phenomenon.

[Photo] School takes midday break to view partial eclipse – music included

By Mindy Nagel, 9th Grade
May 19, 2024

HOLY: From right, Rabbi Lieberman, Rabbi Stein and Elizabeth Izak observe the heavenly phenomenon.

CHARACTERS: Nathan Soussana’s suave Don Lockwood was backed by an expert supporting cast throughout the show, among them Alexa Azran as Lina Lamont, pictured above to his right. The show’s 14 performers were highly practiced and their stage moves and dancing seemed effortless.

[Photo] REVIEW: ‘Singin’ in the Rain’ adds music, dancing to the best of Shalhevet drama

By Sonya Katzin, Arts and Culture Editor
May 15, 2024

Zion Schlussel and Nathan Soussana, along with the rest of the cast, pulled off complex dance numbers, sometimes while singing....

CHAVRUTA: Juniors and sophomores enjoy chicken wings with barbecue sauce while studying texts with Dr. Sheila Keiter Feb. 22 in the Beit Midrash.

[Photo] Afternoon chevruta learning returns, this time with incentives

By Arieh Elad and Shevy Gomperts
May 14, 2024

DISCUSSION: From left, juniors Tamar Rose and Aliza Katz engage in debate Feb. 11 with visiting teacher Rabbi Jonah Steinmetz,...

CONFLICT: Celebrities of all stripes have weighed in on the current Gaza war. Shalhevet students have had mixed reactions to statements made on social media. Pictured, in rows beginning at top center, are freshman Emily Gold, sophomore Lev Fishman, Susan Sarandon, Gigi Hadid, senior Yalee Schwartz, Natalie Portman, and Jerry Seinfeld.

[Photo] Social media posts challenge students and faculty after Oct. 7

By Natalie Gul, 9th Grade
May 2, 2024

CONFLICT: Celebrities of all stripes have weighed in on the current Gaza war. Shalhevet students have had mixed reactions to statements...

TORAH: Nitzotzei Torah masterminds Etan Lerner and Ariel Mazar study peirushim (commentaries) for their publication’s divrei Torah (words of Torah).

[Photo] Revived bi-monthly ‘Nitzotzei’ lets students send up sparks of Torah

By Arieh Elad, Torah Editor
February 11, 2024

TORAH: Nitzotzei Torah masterminds Etan Lerner and Ariel Mazar study peirushim (commentaries) for their publication’s divrei...

VOTE: Except for just minutes before voting,  there were no active campaigns for Just Community representatives last October.  Above, 10th-graders watched a candidate's video.

[Photo] EDITORIAL: Elections – We can do better

By The Boiling Point Editorial Board
January 30, 2024

VOTE: Except for just minutes before voting, there were no active campaigns for Just Community representatives last October....

NEXT ACT: Ms. Chase has been both an actor and director around Los Angeles, and an original play she directed, titled Eight Nights, won two 2021 Ovation Awards.

[Photo] Emily Chase, who led drama department for 31 years, has left for Crossroads

By Sonya Katzin, Arts & Culture Editor
February 1, 2024

NEXT ACT: Ms. Chase has been both an actor and director around Los Angeles, and an original play she directed, titled Eight Nights,...

BOOKSHELVES: Sets of Shas, Mishneh Torah and commentaries on Tanach are among the many sefarim purchased to fill the Beit Midrash shelves.

[Photo] A home for study, in carved wood and stained glass

By Mira Schulman, Features Editor
January 16, 2024

Viewed from the north-facing wall, sets of Shas, Mishneh Torah and commentaries on Tanach are among the many religious books purchased...

SUPPORT: Ms. Danielle Kossack brings international experience, having taught the IB curriculum in Moscow.

[Photo] NEW TEACHERS 23-24: Falk, Kossack, Lapointe

By Tali Liebenthal, Ariel Mazar, and Eliana Vahedifar
January 1, 2024

SUPPORT: Ms. Danielle Kossack brings international experience, having taught the IB curriculum in Moscow.

SUBDUED: The atmosphere in shuls like the Happy Minyan on Pico Boulevard, pictured here on Oct. 6 before the holiday started, was restrained on Simchat Torah. Communities quelled the usually joyful holiday, taking the day’s events into account.

[Photo] From Israel to Pico, Hamas terror flipped the switch on happiest holiday of the year

By Arieh Elad, Torah Editor
December 7, 2023

SUBDUED: The atmosphere in shuls like the Happy Minyan on Pico Boulevard, pictured here on Oct. 6 before the holiday started,...

TEACHING: Mr. Justin Khalil stands in front of the whiteboard for a picture after teaching his 10th grade Honors Chemistry class on Nov. 20.

[Photo] NEW TEACHERS 23-24: Khalil, Skaist, Bradshaw

By Martzi Hirsch, Sonya Katzin, and Mira Schulman
December 3, 2023

TEACHING: Mr. Justin Khalil stands in front of the whiteboard for a picture after teaching his 10th grade Honors Chemistry class...

SPEECH: Eliana Vahedifar, one of two newly elected sophomore representatives to the Fairness Committee, gave her election speech in Room 305 Oct. 24.  This year’s campaign had mostly speeches and no signs or flyers.

[Photo] New election held for JC grade-level reps after problems with ballots and tally

By Martzi Hirsch, Community Editor
November 27, 2023

CAMPAIGN: Sophomore Jonah Delson made a video to support his candidacy for SAC rep.

CLASSROOM: Mr. Chang said he does not think he will be as strict as other teachers at Shalhevet.

[Photo] NEW TEACHERS 23-24: Chang, Karp, Cohen

By Sophie Katz, Etan Lerner, and Arieh Elad
November 16, 2023

CLASSROOM: Mr. Chang said he does not think he will be as strict as other teachers at Shalhevet.

SUPPORT: Shalhevet was well represented at the Oct. 10 StandWithUs rally, which also attracted non-Jews who were eager to back the State of Israel.

[Photo] Shalhevet buses students to attend energetic StandWithUs rally in Westwood

By Sonya Katzin, Arts and Culture Editor
October 17, 2023

SIGNAGE: The message of the rally was made clear throughout the event.

FRANKLY: New tech director Mr. Yossie Frankel jumped at the opportunity to return to Shalhevet after a stint at YULA. “I really love it here,” he said.

[Photo] It’s back to the future as former IT director returns to former role

By Max Messinger, Copy Editor
September 21, 2023

FRANKLY: New tech director Mr. Yossie Frankel jumped at the opportunity to return to Shalhevet after a stint at YULA. “I really...

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