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Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Ellie Orlanski

Ellie Orlanski, Executive Editor

Ellie Orlanski joined the Boiling Point freshman year as a layout editor and is now excited to be serving as Executive Editor of the paper. She was Chief Layout Editor in 10th and 11th grade, where she received a national award for her layout as well as an award for a multimedia story she worked on. Ellie enjoys creating page designs and seeing her visions come to life in the paper, as well as mentoring underclassman in photography. In addition to being an editor, Ellie is a captain of Shalhevet’s Mock Trial team, and an enthusiastic member of Shalhevet’s Model Congress team.


All content by Ellie Orlanski
RESUMED: Firehawk shooting guard Jacob Pofsky launched a basket over the heads of defenders from Buena High School in Ventura Thursday night. Due to Covid rules, only 40 spectators, at left, were able to watch in person. Others watched a live but private video feed.

[Photo] For victorious Firehawks’ after their first game in a year, the bigger win was getting to play

By Noah Elad, Staff Writer
March 21, 2021

RESUMED: Firehawk shooting guard Jacob Pofsky launched a basket over the heads of defenders from Buena High School in Ventura...

LISTEN: News and interviews in an audio format.

Episode 4: The Constitution

By Ellie Orlanski
May 4, 2020

 In this special episode, host of "Ellie Talks" Ellie Orlanski reads the new draft of the Just Community constitution from...

CARPOOL: School officials opened the service driveway on Orange Grove for carpool this morning when flooding caused the closure of Fairfax Avenue, where the school driveway is.

[Photo] FLOOD: All basement classrooms under inches of water after city main breaks

By Molly Litvak, Outside News Editor
April 2, 2019

CARPOOL: School officials opened the service driveway on Orange Grove for carpool this morning when flooding caused the closure...

HONOR: About 90 students and faculty sang songs and read psalms in the parking lot March 14, 2018 to honor victims of the high school shooting in Parkland, Fla., that killed 14 students and three teachers. About half the school stayed in class.

[Photo] Students and faculty walk outside to honor shooting victims, but leave politics indoors

By Shayna Becker, Staff Writer
March 27, 2018

HONOR: About 90 students and faculty sang songs and read psalms in the parking lot March 14, 2018 to honor victims of the high...

CHEMICALS: Freshmen in Dr. Basheer's biology classes began their lab by adding murky, brown 'artificial vomit' to test tubes. Soon, they added other substances to form a solution that would turn the liquid other colors, depending on whether it was a carb, protein, or lipid.

[Photo] Whodunnit? Biology class analyzes ‘artificial vomit’ to solve murder mystery

By Molly Litvak, Staff Writer
October 19, 2017

OBSERVE: Students walk around the class holding test tubes and mixing substances. Some are chatting while others are making repulsed...

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