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Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Amalia Zucker

Amalia Zucker, Features Editor

Amalia Zucker, 11th grade, joined the Boiling Point as a staff writer at the end of freshman year and now serves as Features Editor. Outside of the Boiling Point, Amalia is a team captain of the NaNoWriMo novel-writing club, as well as a member of the swim team, Mock Trial team and the Choirhawks. In her free time, she enjoys drawing, creative writing, playing guitar, and spending time with friends.

All content by Amalia Zucker
HELPFUL: Students described Mr. Sinajon as being supportive and understanding. He taught at least five different courses during his years at Shalhevet.

‘Easygoing’ math teacher Mr. Sinajon leaves after five years

By Amalia Zucker, Features Editor
October 22, 2022

Mr. Andrew Sinajon, math teacher and Robotics faculty advisor since 2017, did not return to Shalhevet for the 2022-23 school year. Mr....

WRITER: Mr. Ross works on his own plays and screenplays in his free time.

New English teacher is video game and comic book fan

By Amalia Zucker, Features Editor
September 22, 2022

Aspiring writer and avid comic book fan Mr. Dylan Ross has joined Shalhevet’s faculty, teaching both the 9th-grade English Composition...

GAME: Rabbi Ari Schwarzberg, whose 10th grade Advanced Tanach class played the Mishna Bomb game, offered extra-credit points to anyone who memorized a Mishna.

Surprise challenges from friends help students memorize Mishna

By Amalia Zucker, Staff Writer
May 26, 2022

On Feb. 1, Dean of Students Rabbi Ari Schwarzberg posted eight mysterious words to the Just Community Schoology board: The...

CULTURE: Dr. Jonny Ravanshenas and Chazzan Eitan Aharon of Nessah Synagogue led an all-school "Sephardi Party," minyan in honor of Nowruz. The celebration highlighted school's Persian-Jewish community with speeches, a musical performance and a traditional breakfast.

‘I can proudly say that I have a lot of Persian pride’

By Amalia Zucker, Staff Writer
May 8, 2022

For the first time in school history, Shalhevet hosted a Persian-Jewish Cultural Day, a school-wide davening, assembly and breakfast...

CHOICE: Jews have never been required to plant trees on a specific day, but we choose to anyway. Why?

Trees, love and humanity come together on Tu B’shvat

By Amalia Zucker, Staff Writer
January 17, 2022

This Jan. 17, in the dead of winter, we once again find ourselves in Tu B’shvat, a rabbinic holiday also known as Rosh Hashanah...

Image of Talya Kukurudz, who led the effort to create the cookbook.

Generation-to-generation meets sister-to-sister in second school cookbook

By Amalia Zucker, Staff Writer
January 8, 2022

In 2006, Deborah Kukurudz of Shalhevet’s class of that year organized a cookbook titled What’s Hot in Shalhevet’s Kitchen!...

Mr. Rothman founded the Hashkama Minyan when he was in 10th grade.

It’s back to the future for new Judaic assistant

By Amalia Zucker, Staff Writer
October 7, 2021

Noah Rothman graduated from Shalhevet in the class of 2016, and has spent the last five years living in Israel. This year, he’s...

GIFTS: Sukkot, which thanks God for blessings of all kinds, begins tonight at 6:34 p.m.

Sukkot: Know what you have

By Amalia Zucker, Staff Writer
September 20, 2021

The High Holidays are a very busy time of year in Judaism, and by the time we get to Sukkot, we’ve already been through Rosh...

PRACTICE: Adam still goes surfing about once a week, even during school.

Adam Westerman: Surfer in Progress

By Amalia Zucker, Ninth Grade
January 24, 2021

I learned how to surf probably around June 2020. Starting was pretty easy, ‘cause I was already off of school, so whenever I...

MEANING: The real message of the lights is that God's miracles are everywhere.

Chanukah: It’s not just the oil

By Amalia Zucker, 9th Grade
December 13, 2020

Of all Jewish holidays, Chanukah is one of the most well-known to non-Jews. Holidays like Yom Kippur, Purim, and Sukkot seem to...

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