Boiling Point Caption Contest!
Scroll down for the rules and submission form!
February 10, 2022

Nice cartoon – what’s the caption?
That’s up to you, our readers! Welcome to the Boiling Point’s new caption-writing contest, where you get to suggest a caption for an original cartoon The first one is to the right. The entry form is below.
There will be prizes! First prize is to actually name the cartoon, as it will appear in the next print edition of the Boiling Point. Second and third prizes will be published as runner-ups. Winners of first and second prize will also receive Starbucks gift cards.
To enter, write your caption idea below, along with your name and the city where you live. You may enter as many times as you like! But be sure to list your name and city, and also your email address so we can contact you if you win.
Judges will be leaders of the Boiling Point’s graphics, news and web departments. Deadline for entry is Feb. 21.
Good luck!
If you are on the app, the submission form may not work. If this is the case, go to our website directly at