Kaparot on the Sport Court Oct. 7
Jordan Banafsheha, Edited by Yonah Nimmer, Web Video Editor
FOWL: Tech director and Science teacher Mr. Yossie Frankel showed sophomore Ben Harel how to hold the live chicken at a first-ever kapporot ritual on the Sport Court before Yom Kippur.
November 8, 2011
A chicken for your sins?
The pre-Yom Kippur ritual of kaparot involves waving a chicken above one’s head three times while reciting Hebrew words saying you are transferring your sins to it. It is not usually practiced in Modern Orthodox communities, but Shalhevet students and staff had a chance to try it on the Sport Court last month.
See related stories:
Related: Ancient ritual for ‘transferring’ sins debuts on the Sport Court 10/10/2011
TWO BOILING POINTS OF VIEW – Kaparot: A way to feel guilt, 11/7/2012
TWO BOILING POINTS OF VIEW – Kaparot: Cruel and un-Jewish 11/7/2012