In-person school may be cancelled this week — for rain
Major storm Wednesday and Thursday could make learning a problem in outdoor tents
WET: Rain pummelled the rooftop turf March 12, 2020. The roof is now home to the Leah, Yaakov, Rachel, Avraham, and Sarah open-sided tents where Judaic Studies classes are held for those who want to learn on campus during Covid.
The second winter storm of 2021 is expected to bring several inches of rain to Los Angeles this week, threatening outdoor in-person learning at Shalhevet.
According to The Weather Channel there is a 45% chance of rain on Wednesday and an 75% chance of rain on Thursday in Los Angeles. Juniors are scheduled for optional in-person learning Wednesday, and seniors on Thursday.
In-person Judaic Studies classes at Shalhevet are held in open-sided outdoor tents in the parking lot and on the roof.
Associate Head of School Rabbi David Block said a decision to possibly cancel in-person learning would be made when the days get closer.
“If the conditions are as poor as expected and we determine that outdoor learning isn’t feasible, we’ll have to cancel (and see if we can make up the in-person time elsewhere),” wrote Rabbi Block in a response to Boiling Point questions this morning. “But since forecasts constantly change, we’re not making that call just yet.”
According to Weather Underground, for the Cheviot Hills Station — which is their weather station for Beverlywood — .33 inches of rain is expected on Wednesday, and an additional 1.87 inches on Thursday.
As a comparison, rainfall during this past weekend’s storm totaled .77 inches of rain downtown (.44 inches in Santa Monica; no closer locations were given) over three days, according to, citing the National Weather Service. Last year the rainfall total in Los Angeles was 14.22 inches. According to the National Weather Service Forecast Office for Los Angeles and Oxnard, normal rainfall for Los Angeles is 14.77 inches per year.
This is a developing story and will be updated as more information becomes available.

Benjamin Gamson, 12th grade, is in his second year as an Editor-in-Chief of the Boiling Point, having served last year as only the second junior to hold that post himself. Benjamin joined the Boiling Point during his freshman year as a staff writer and became Polling Director during the second semester. As News Editor in his sophomore year, Benjamin managed and edited the Community, Torah and Outside News sections.
Benjamin has authored over 70 articles and podcasts and won awards from organizations including AJPA, JSPA and NSPA. Outside of Boiling Point, he is a member of the Model Congress team and an active participant in the Just Community. When not in school, Benjamin enjoys following politics, current events and baseball, and listening to music.