Cedars rabbi now teaching

INSTRUCTING: Rabbi Jason Weiner took over Mrs. Segal’s Talmud class on October 30th.
December 23, 2014
Rabbi Jason Weiner joined the Shalhevet teaching staff at the beginning of the second quarter, signaling the most recent shift in the Shalhevet community caused by Mr. Christopher Buckley’s resignation Oct. 29.
Rabbi Weiner has begun instructing the 10th-grade Talmud class formerly taught by Mrs. Atara Segal, who taught AP Statistics last year and now has taken over Mr. Buckley’s AP Stat class.
Formerly an assistant rabbi at Young Israel of Century City, Rabbi Weiner is currently senior rabbi at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, where he heads the Spiritual Care Department and is in charge of the chaplaincy team, according to the Cedars-Sinai website. He has been an active member of Young Israel’s and the greater Los Angeles’ Jewish communities since 2006.
For now, he is only teaching one period at Shalhevet. Principal Reb Noam Weissman said he would make a great addition to the school.
“He’s a great guy, known in the community, extremely passionate and a great educator and scholar,” said Reb Noam. “When you combine real knowledge of the material with real passion, you have the potential to be a really great teacher.”
Rabbi Weiner received his smicha from Yeshivat Chovevei Torah in New York. He said starting at Shalhevet had been easy, even though it was mid-year.
“They’re open to learning and adjusting, and very welcoming,” Rabbi Weiner said. “It’s been very smooth.”
Students agreed.
“The transition has been great,” said sophomore Nathan Benyowitz. “He came in, and immediately knew how to connect to us as mature teenagers like other Shalhevet teachers.”
Rabbi Weiner said he has high hopes for the rest of the year.
“I hope we all get into the learning, find it interesting and relevant,” Rabbi Weiner said, “and we’ll have a great time together.”