Ms. Tove Sunshine retiring at the end of the year
DEDICATED: Mrs. Sunshine is known for her passion and dedication to her students.
SAS Psychology, SAS History and Jewish History teacher Ms. Tove Sunshine, known for her passion for advanced subjects, her organized teaching style and her fairness to all students, has announced that she will be retiring at the end of the school year.
Also known for using movies to illustrate concepts, Ms. Sunshine has taught at Shalhevet for 11 years. Her psychology class, which started out as AP Psych before evolving into a Shalhevet Advanced Studies course, is one of the most popular classes in the school. This year there are two sections of the course.
Rabbi Segal sent out an announcement this morning by email, and included a letter from Ms. Sunshine herself to the Shalhevet community. It came on the morning of course selection assemblies for the 10th and 11th grades, whose students choose electives and would have been listening for descriptions of Ms. Sunshine’s 2018-19.
“Our sadness at seeing Tove go is mitigated only by our excitement for her as she readily embarks on the next chapter of her life,” Rabbi Segal wrote in his email.
“I know I speak for all of us in saying that despite her departure, Tove will forever remain a member of the Shalhevet family.”
Rabbi Segal indicated in his email that Mrs. Sunshine will help the new psychology teacher and continue to consult with him or her. He also said that Rabbi Lieberman will be taking over the tenth grade Jewish History classes and will work closely with her “to ensure a smooth transition,” he said.
Students are really going to miss Mrs. Sunshine.
“It’s definitely sad to see her go,” said junior Lily Drazin, who is currently in Mrs. Sunshine’s SAS psychology class and was previously in her tenth grade Jewish History class. “Her SAS psychology class was one of the best classes I’ve taken at Shalhevet. She made the material so relatable and enticing.”
Junior Jackie Faerstain was so inspired by Mrs. Sunshine’s class, she wants to study psychology further.
“She really changed the way I see the world as a whole,” said Jackie, “specifically how people interact with other people. I’m really going to miss just seeing her around school and being able to see her passion for teaching.”

Clara Sandler was co-editor-in-chief during the 2018-19 school year and then studied at the Midreshet Lindenbaum seminary in Jerusalem. She is now a junior at the University of Chicago.