All content by Sivan Karz
BP Graphics by Zev Kupferman
There are lots of reasons not to vape. For one thing, it’s against Shalhevet rules, as Principal...
After a tight race in Israel, it is almost definite that Likud party leader Benjamin Netanyahu will continue as Prime Minister,...
“Right” and “left” are used as political terms all the time today, but what do they mean?
The political terms left...
Elections in Israel are now set to take place seven months early, as instability within Knesset coalitions and corruption charges...
Talia Gill was elected Agenda Chair for the 2018-19 school year May 4, following a week of speeches, posters and promises from...
Within the past two months, The Boiling Point has won 17 awards for writing, online production, and layout, capped by its first Pacemaker award from the National Scholastic Press Association.
Freshmen rushed to their phones, laptops and iPads Jan. 19 to submit their preferences for their second semester electives, something...
Shalhevet welcomed its first-ever Sephardic Torah on Feb. 15, Rosh Chodesh Adar. After a schoolwide davening in the gym,...
Shalhevet welcomed about 260 new siddurim to the school last month. After at least 15 years of using Artscroll prayerbooks, the Judaics Studies faculty decided the new Koren siddur would be a better fit, and bought paperback copies of the Koren Sacks Weekday Siddur, Lobel Edition.
The number of students planning to attend the spring AIPAC trip is expected to more than double this year, from nine students...
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