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Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

All content by Sharon Khalil
MENTORSHIP: Harvard Westlake journalists present highlights from their page, the Chronicle, and give tips.

Third JSPA conference views journalism through a Jewish lens

By Sharon Khalil, Staff Writer
May 24, 2016

Does journalism conflict with the laws of lashon harah – evil speech, or gossip? Yes and no, students learned at the third...

Model Congress Senator Boaz Willis happily returns to the Shalhevet delegation after being awarded a gavel in the Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs committee. His bill sought to impose rules for governors of the Federal Reserve.

Freshman’s bill becomes law as Debate team wins 11 awards at Princeton Model Congress

By Sharon Khalil, Staff Writer
January 8, 2016
Eleven awards were won and a ninth grader’s bill made it all the way to the president’s signature as the 22-member Model Congress team tackled a range of national issues and problems at Princeton Model Congress Nov. 18 – 21 in Washington, D.C.
No clapping allowed, but all candidates are heard as election avoids controversy

No clapping allowed, but all candidates are heard as election avoids controversy

By Sharon Khalil and Aidel Townsley
November 1, 2015

In an election process that was orderly and mostly quiet, students split up by grade during Town Hall Oct. 15 to hear two-minute...

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