All content by Abby Blumofe
“Plays aren’t written,” said the woman on the TV screen in the Wildfire Theater Oct. 18.
“They are crafted.”
It should not have been surprising to find each room opening onto another at an exhibit that promised to cover the span of all...
During election season last fall, people were putting up signs and stickers, but Mrs. Kathleen Neumeyer did not.
As she explained...
Last summer, the University of Chicago sent out a letter to incoming freshmen telling them not to expect their professors to warn...
Although Yonah Feld has lived in America nearly his entire life, he doesn’t consider it his home. His home, he says, is Israel.
On Yom Hashoah, mixed groups of all grades dispersed to tables spread around the gym and shared their thoughts on memory, connection and the Holocaust. It started with a stack of small pictures and each student choosing one to ponder. There were speeches and discussions, and then, at the end of the assembly, students were asked to stay silent for 5 minutes, while writing answers to questions posed on giant posters on the walls around the room.
Shalhevet Drama’s spring performance last week was unexpected in many ways. The troupe performed the 1897 comedy Caught...
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