Episode 4: The Constitution
Logo by Eli Weiss and Sam Rubanowitz
LISTEN: News and interviews in an audio format.
May 4, 2020
In this special episode, host of “Ellie Talks” Ellie Orlanski reads the new draft of the Just Community constitution from front to end. Ellie read from the public draft hosted on Google Docs only accessible to Shalhevet students and staff. The draft is 13 pages long.
Agenda Chair David Edwards, Fairness Co-chair Evan Rubel, and Sabrina Jahan — all seniors — have worked on this since last May, and after many town halls, meetings in school, and speaking many times with Shalhevet founder Dr. Jerry Friedman, they have finally completed a draft of the constitution that will be discussed at a Town hall this coming Tuesday and then voted on.
“Underwater Bubble Sounds ” by Priscilla Wood
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