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Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Boiling Point Conflict of Interest Policy

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Updated April 2020

All editors [includes section editors, heads of layout and graphics, managing editor and photo editors, podcast executive producer, web EIC] except for sports, arts, features and video editors, are not allowed to be officers on the agenda or fairness committees.

Editorial board cannot be officers of either committee. 

Grade-level Agenda or Fairness reps who serve on the Editorial Board will be asked to leave Ed Board meetings about anything concerning those committees or matters those committees are actively considering.

Agenda and Fairness chairs can contribute to the Boiling Point as staff but cannot be editors. (Updated April 14, 2020)


Adopted May 2016

Recognizing that in a small school such as Shalhevet, some conflict of interest is unavoidable…

And recognizing that conflict of interest is endlessly variable and cannot always be predicted, so this policy is not comprehensive…

The Editorial Board nevertheless reiterates (numbers 1 – 5) or establishes (number 6) the following policies for The Boiling Point and :

1.  The Chair of Agenda may not be Editor-in-Chief of the Boiling Point.

2.  BP staff may not interview their own parents or siblings.

3.  BP staff may not write a story about a co-curricular they are a part of (e.g., Model Congress, Choir, Drama, etc.)

4. No editor involved in a co-curricular activity should see, review or be involved with any story about that activity.

5.  BP staff should not interview their friends.  This is sometimes unavoidable but all efforts should be made to find other suitable sources of information.

6.  Regarding leadership positions on school committees, the Board hereby adopts the following gradual timetable, to be phased in over three years:

a.  The Editor-in-Chief of the Boiling Point may not also be Chair of Agenda. This is policy is long-standing and predates adoption of the current policy.

b.  In addition to the above, as of 2016-17 BP EIC cannot be Agenda officer, but can be Agenda Rep.

c.  As of 2017-18, all of the above, plus: BP EIC cannot be Agenda rep.

d.  As of 2017-18, all of the above, plus: no BP Editor of any section except Arts or Sports can be an Agenda officer.  (Can still be a rep.)

e.  As of 2018-19, all of the above, plus:  no BP Editor of any section except Arts or Sports can be an Agenda representative. NOTE: This section was removed as of April 2020, see update at the top of this page.