School welcomes freshmen at BBQ

DEBUT: Freshmen and parents listen as Rabbi Segal welcomes them to Shalhevet at the orientation barbecue Aug 26.
September 22, 2014
Incoming freshman and their parents were treated to a barbecue dinner, speeches from administrators, a tour of the interim school in the JCC and an opportunity to meet new friends at the annual Freshman Barbecue Aug. 26.
The class of 2018 started filling the building at around 5:20 p.m. After Mincha, tours were led by current students Shana Chriki, Nicole Feder, Margo Feuer, Alec Fields, Rachel Glouberman, Sigal Spitzer and Boaz Willis.
Most of the students came from Maimonides, Pressman, and Hillel – 56 in all, three more than in last year’s freshman class.
A hot summer sun greeted them after the tour as they walked outside to hear introductions of the faculty, led by senior Sigal Spitzer.
Head of School Rabbi Ari Segal started the outdoor program with a d’var torah about compromise — specifically, understanding another’s point of view, advocating for your own view, but also listening to others and possibility adapting some of their views as well. He said this was what he hoped all the freshmen would have learned to do by the time they graduate.
He also said he hoped students would build roots so they could become strong and resilient.
Principal Noam Weissman said students should strive to win the “mensch” award at graduation, which he called the ultimate award given by Shalhevet. Afterwards, Reb Noam talked about the need for students to follow the school’s dress code.
General Studies Principal Mr. Roy Danovitch introduced Agenda Chair Max Helfand, who described how the Just Community works and mentioned that ninth graders would soon be electing representatives to various committees.
After all the speeches, the students, parents, and faculty ate salad, sausages, chicken wings, and chicken from Jeff’s Gourmet. For dessert, there were cupcakes, cookies and fruit.
“The food was the best part,” said incoming freshman Elie Helfand.