Construction on new building may start in early October, board president says

Goldie Fields

DIVIDER: Construction in the main hallway last week began to close off the north end of the building, planned for demolition to make way for a new three-story campus. Demolition of the unused part of the building may begin next month.

The following letter was sent to the Shalhevet community Aug. 21 by board president Larry Gill. It states that if  final city approval for the project comes at a hearing scheduled for Sept. 4, construction on Shalhevet’s new campus could begin in early October — several months behind schedule, but still leaving time to finish the building in time for fall semester 2014-15.

Greetings to the Shalhevet community,

I hope the summer is going well.

I send out this message by way of an update on the progress of the construction project and related items.

Due to the tireless efforts of Robyn Lewis and her team, the campus is ready and waiting for the school year to begin.  If you have any questions for Robyn, please feel free to e-mail her at

Our hearing for final approval of the project by the City of Los Angeles has been scheduled forSeptember 4, 2013.   As a result of the yeoman’s work carried out all summer by Rabbi Segal and the project development team, we are going into this hearing with unanimous support from one of the two main neighborhood groups, and we have a meeting with the important Miracle Mile group scheduled for next week.  In addition, we already have approvals from the City on environmental, traffic and most building requirements.  Assuming we obtain our approval and no one files an appeal, we should begin construction by early October.  With some pushing on our contractor, we are confident the new campus will be open for students at the start of the 2014/15 school year.

Please understand that all money raised in the ongoing capital campaign will both enable the construction project to reach its full potential, and also buttress the school’s fiscal health going forward.  Please consider making a meaningful gift to the capital campaign.  We as a school community have a tremendous opportunity to make a positive impact on the fiscal security of the school as we move into the future.

This is a very exciting moment in the school’s history and you should all be proud of the work you have done to get us here.

Please send me any questions you have.

Best wishes for meaningful month of Elul,

Larry Gill