Twenty-three students were selected last week for Shalhevet’s Princeton Model Congress delegation, which will compete in Washington, D.C., Nov 17 – 20. Eleven are returning debaters and 12 were chosen from among 32 who competed for open spots. Debators were chosen based on their ability to display “critical thinking, poise, and new research,” said senior debate captain Justin Brandt-Sarif, adding that he loves the new team, which includes:
Rose Bern
Justin Brandt-Sarif
Leona Fallas
Ari Feuer
Deanna Grunfeld
Michael Lenett
David Rokah
Daniel Schwartz
Eitan Spitzer
Sarah Soroudi
Tamar Willis
Alex Schwartz
Jo Jo Fallas
Erin Sharfman
Ariella Joffe
Sigal Spitzer
Rena Ohana
Kalil Eden
Avishai Rabin
Leora Nimmer
Jacob Ellenhorn
Hannah-Leeba Ellenhorn
Jordan Banafsheha
At tryouts last Wednesday and Thursday, students gave prepared speeches and were judged by a panel of returning debaters and alumni. The auditions were held in Mr. Buckley’s classroom after school.
A second tier of debaters was told they were “still being considered for acceptance” and would receive instructions from Mr. Buckley by e-mail. Those were:
Max Lipner
Eitan Miller
Michael Silver
Katie Feld
Elliot Sassover
Miriam Bern
Nicole Feder
Mr. Buckley said the tryouts had been extremely competitive and urged those not selected to try again.