After six years at Shalhevet, administrative assistant Rachel Gargir will be leaving to work at Maimonides Academy in West Hollywood.
Ms. Gargir, who does everything from updating Edline to helping with admissions and financial aid, is going to be working at Maimonides doing pretty much the same things.
“She is sweet, amazing, and very thoughtful,” said eighth grader Lorien Orpelli. “She’s so considerate, and she is very easy to go to for any advice.”
Ms. Gargir oversaw the installation and constant updating of a wide range of technological systems, helping to set up Edline along with Gradequick and Administrators Plus, used by faculty and administration. When she arrived, nearly all of this was done by hand, and Ms. Gargir helped train staff to use the systems.
When the lower schools closed, she was one of a handful of staff members who were retained by the high school.
“What speaks most about the impact she’s made is how many people rely on her for help,” said high school General Studies Principal Mr. Phu Tranchi.
“She has developed expertise in so many facets of the school, which makes her indispensable. She does anything and everything she’s ever been asked, and then some.”
Since she had always been highly involved with the middle school, and this year Ms. Gargir helped a lot with the eighth graders and planned Shalhevet’s final Middle School graduation.
The position at Maimonides was an unexpected opportunity, she said, but she decided to take it.
“It’s going to be very hard to disconnect form everything I have here,” Ms. Gargir told The Boiling Point in an interview.
“I’ve had three kids while I was working here, and I’ve seen a lot of changes –three heads of school, hallways were carpeted, there was an elementary school. Like any transition, this is going to be tough too.”