Rabbi Ari Segal, head of school as of August 1, introduced four new Judaic Studies faculty members in this e-mail sent to the Shalhevet community Friday, June 17. The three rabbis and one rebbetzin are among the replacements for departing Judaic Studies faculty Rabbi Ofer and Anat Sabo, Rabbi Naftali Richler, Rabbi Rodney Feinerman and Mrs. Natalie Williams.
Dear Members of the Shalhevet Community,
In our ongoing commitment to improve the quality of our educational program, we have spent many hours recruiting on a nationwide basis to find the strongest candidates available. We looked for a combination of passion, creativity and an ability to inspire our students. This ongoing investment in continual improvement serves as a cornerstone of our working strategic plan, and provides us a critical chance for us to recruit individuals who represent the best of what the Shalhevet mission and hashkafa have to offer.
It is my pleasure to share with you exciting developments for the upcoming school year and to introduce you to our newest Judaic Studies faculty members.
Rabbi Ari Schwarzberg
Rabbi Ari Schwarzberg comes to Shalhevet after receiving his rabbinic ordination and master’s degree in education from Yeshiva University. Interested in expanding his academic and professional palette, Rabbi Schwarzberg spent the past two years in Cambridge, MA studying at the Harvard Divinity School where he recently earned a master’s degree in theological studies while primarily concentrating in ancient Judaism and Christianity.
Over the last several years, Rabbi Schwarzberg has worked in a variety of Jewish institutions, including two years as the rabbinic intern at The Jewish Center in New York City and as an educator at the NYU Hillel. He is an out of the box thinker and educator interested in blending traditional texts and curriculum with his innovative style and
methodologies. Rabbi Schwarzberg is excited to contribute and personally benefit from the wonderfully creative and warm Shalhevet community. He is married to Naomi Weiss, a speech-language pathologist, who is looking forward to leaving the frigid temperatures of the east coast. They both look forward to joining and participating in the Los Angeles Jewish community.
Ruthie Skaist
Ruthie Skaist grew up in Chicago and spent two years studying at the Tiferet Seminary inRamat Beit Shemesh, Israel after High School. Ruthie graduated Cum Laude from Stern College for Women with a degree in Fine Arts and Judaic Studies – two of her passions. An experienced Madricha and teacher, she has taught both Torah and art to students of all ages – formally and informally, most recently at The Moriah School in Englewood, NJ.
Rabbi Tuli Skaist
Before coming to Shalhevet, Rabbi Tuli Skaist was program coordinator for New York NCSY. Rabbi Skaist has been involved professionally in a number of Jewish organizations, including Camp HASC, The Stollel, and Hasbara Fellowships, where he coordinated educational programming for University students, and led Hasbara/Advocacy Missions to Israel. Rabbi Skaist spent two years at Yeshivat Shalavim, continuing his studies at Aish HaTorah in the Old City of Jerusalem, Sh’or Yashuv Institute and Yeshiva University, earning his undergraduate degree in psychology from Touro College in New York.
Rabbi Shmuly Yanklowitz
Prior to coming to Shalhevet, Rabbi Shmuly Yanklowitz served as the UCLA Hillel’s SeniorJewish Educator in Los Angeles. Rabbi Yanklowitz was the Founder and President of Uri L’Tzedek. He studied at the University of Texas as an undergraduate and received fromHarvard University a Master’s degree in Leadership and Psychology, and completed a second Master’s degree in Jewish Philosophy at Yeshiva University. Rabbi Yanklowitz is currently a Doctoral candidate at Columbia University in Moral Development and Epistemology, and has taught as an instructor of Moral Philosophy at Barnard College and a fiat lux at UCLA law School.

Rabbi Yanklowitz was ordained as a Rabbi by Yeshivat Chovevei Torah (YCT Rabbinical School) in New York as a Wexner Graduate Fellow prior to which he studied Talmud and Jewish law at Yeshivat Hamivtar in Efrat, Israel for two years. He received a second rabbinic ordination from Rabbi Shlomo Riskin, the Chief Rabbi of Efrat. As a global social justice educator, Rabbi Yanklowitz has volunteered, taught, and staffed missions in many countries including Israel, Ghana, India, France, Thailand, El Salvador, Senegal, Germany, Ukraine, and Haiti. Rabbi Yanklowitz was invited to the White House Chanukah party to celebrate with the President and First Lady. He and his wife, Shoshana, are excited be a part of the Shalhevet family.
These talented additions to our dynamic group of educators bode extremely well for our children and the future of our school. These are truly the best and the brightest in the world of Modern Orthodox education. Please join me in giving them a warm Shalhevet welcome.
Rabbi Ari Segal