SHALHEVET AT 20: For Eitan Spitzer ’12, Judaism plays role in social life

December 21, 2013
Q: What did you do straight after high school, and what do you do now?
A: After I graduated I went to Israel for a year and studied at Bar Ilan U. and traveled around Israel. Now I am at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, I haven’t declared my major yet, so I’m taking a range of classes.
Q: Describe the role of Judaism in your life now in one sentence.
A: Judaism had and continues to shape my social life, above everything else. I am currently in an investment group focused on the Israeli economy and market, which is a Jewish outlet for me. I am also in a Jewish fraternity, Sigma Alpha Mu, on campus, where it is 95 percent Jewish, and I frequent the Hillel for meals. Judaism, whether in the front or back of my mind, always plays a role in my life, and I attribute Shalhevet with that.
Q: If you could go back and give your high school self some advice, what would it be?
A: Work harder. I wish I studied more in high school, and to branch out more in terms of trying new things and experiencing new people, new groups and clubs etc.
Q: If you could plan a Town Hall for the current students, what would the topic be?
A: To hear about students’ perspective about the undergraduate college education, the role they think undergrad plays in the rest of their life, given recent research showing that there is not that much correlation between an undergrad school and life success. I think that high school kids need more perspective on that.