Westboro picketers wave signs, sing songs at school for 30 minutes
February 27, 2017
Nine members of the Westboro Baptist Church, including the church’s leader Timothy Phelps and his wife Lee Ann, protested outside of Shalhevet today from 7:10 to 7:40 a.m.
The group, which is based in Topeka, Kans., and not connected with any other Baptist church, stood across from Shalhevet at the dead end of Barrows Drive. Most were holding signs with slurs aimed at Jews and LGBT individuals.
Staff of the Boiling Point had decided not to interview the protestors, but Eitan Arom of The Jewish Journal was there and spoke with The Boiling Point afterwards. He said Shalhevet was chosen only because it was Jewish.
“[They said] more or less that it was just like any other Jewish high school, that it was no different from any other Jewish high school and they were protesting because they wanted to reach Jews and get them to repent,” said Mr. Arom, a Journal staff writer. “It sounded to me like they found it maybe on Google and they decided to show up.”
They carried signs saying “Same Sex marriage Dooms Nations,” “Repent or perish,” “Prepare to Meet Thy God,“ and “144K Jews will repent.”
But according to Mr. Arom, they were not aware of Shalhevet’s groundbreaking and widely publicized inclusion of LGBT students.
“I had to inform them that Shalhevet is relatively forward-thinking about that particular topic within the community,” Mr. Arom said. “That seemed to take them by surprise.”
Watching across Fairfax from them were Head of School Rabbi Ari Segal, board president Fred Toczek and former board president Larry Gill, who stood just outside of the school driveway with school security and Los Angeles police. LAPD officer and Shalhevet parent Ivan Wolkind was also there.
Students were not present because Rabbi Segal had decided that school should start late because of the protest. An alternative program of davening and chesed for students and teachers was held at Beth Jacob Congregation, culminating in a march to Shalhevet.
The church members waved their signs as cars went by, and sang Jewish songs with alternative lyrics. Songs included parodies of “The Sabbath Prayer” from Fiddler on the Roof and “One Day” by Matisyahu.
Instead of “One Day’s” original lyrics, “All my life I´ve been waiting for… the people to say that we don´t wanna fight no more,” they sang, “All you Jews have been fightin’ for, you’ve been pushin’ for, for the people to say that we will not obey no more.”
Instead of Fiddler’s “May the Lord protect and defend you, may he always shield you from pain,” they sang: “May a mourning spirit pour on you, may you look on him whom ye pierced. Bitterness of heart with grace and supplications fierce.”
They continued singing and waving their signs until exactly 7:40, when the police escorted them away, apparently because their protesting permit was only valid until that time.
Mr. Arom said he asked Lee Ann Phelps, Timothy’s wife, if the protestors believe they are accomplishing anything.
“Her response was basically, ‘It’s not incumbent on us to get people to repent, but its incumbent to try,’” said Mr. Arom. “In other words, they feel that they’re fulfilling their scriptural responsibility by being out there and broadcasting their message. Whether people will take their message to heart is outside of their control.”
The Boiling Point did not conduct its own interview so as not to “condone their hateful message,” said co-editor-in-chief Maayan Waldman.
“We made the decision not to interview the protesters,” said Maayan, “because … we didn’t want to affirm what they were doing by giving them the respect of interviewing them directly.”
Church members group had flown from Kansas to Los Angeles to protest the Academy Awards yesterday, and they are flying home today, according to Mr. Arom.
On March 27 they will be protesting at Yeshiva University in New York.
“God Hates Your Idols preaching tour will stop at Yeshiva University … in religious protest and warning,” says a flyer on their website, which also gives an exact time and address.

MARCH: Students from Shalhevet, Milken, YULA Girls, and De Toledo marched from Beth Jacob to Shalhevet this morning.
At Beth Jacob, students from Shalhevet, YULA Girls, Milken and De Toledo gathered at 8:00 for davening, chesed and a march to Shalhevet. The students sang together, wrote letters to veterans, packed Shabbat kits for patients at Cedars Sinai, drew posters, and began walking down Olympic at 10:20 singing and dancing until they reached Shalhevet.
Reb Weissman announced the school’s reasoning for more learning in a Schoology post on Feb. 20.
“When people protest our Judaism, we spend EXTRA time learning. When people protest our Judaism, we spend EXTRA time davening and singing. And, when people protest our Judaism, we spend EXTRA time doing chesed,” wrote Reb Weissman. “That’s who we are.”
Rabbi Segal had sent out an email Feb. 20 explaining why school would start late.
“While I do not believe in giving in to intimidation or backing away from anti-semitism, in this situation I believe this group does not even deserve to have us engage with them in any manner, nor do we want to risk any escalation,” wrote Rabbi Segal in the e-mail, which was sent to all students, parents and faculty. “As such, and after consulting with our security team, we will have a late opening at school on the 27th.”
Senior Editor Zev Kent contributed to this story.
Jared Hasen-Klein, The Milken Roar • Feb 28, 2017 at 8:40 pm
In response to this:
“…According to Mr. Arom, they were not aware of Shalhevet’s groundbreaking and widely publicized inclusion of LGBT students. ‘I had to inform them that Shalhevet is relatively forward-thinking about that particular topic within the community,” Mr. Arom said. “That seemed to take them by surprise.’ ”
When I conducted my interview, I actually got a different impression. They thought that Shalhevet was actually “ultra liberal” — even if historically more conservative it is “run by an ultra liberal making it liberal.” Nonetheless, the claim is still stands that Shalhevet had no special meaning beyond any other Jewish school (see first video clip on link mentioned before).
Sterna Citron, Los Angeles • Feb 28, 2017 at 2:44 pm
How is it that you are not getting why these people are protesting? Can’t you tell from their posters? Everyone else can! Okay, I’ll tell you! They are protesting because of your condoning the transgressing of one of the most fundamental commandments of the Torah, not to commit sodomy, which is forbidden to both Jew and gentile. Instead of being an example to the world and upholding sexual morality and decency which is what the Torah stands for, you are caving in to political correctness. Tell me please, what are you going to do when you come to the part in the Torah that says, “Do not lie with a male as you would with a woman as this is a disgusting perversion.” Are you going to skip it? And if so, what’s next? Is pig going to become kosher too?
What’s most embarrassing–a true shanda!– is that here we have Jews, Torah-observant Jews, who are being (rightly) reprimanded by gentiles, and anti-Semitic ones at that.
Norman Green, Los Angeles • Feb 28, 2017 at 8:31 am
It is worth noting that during their day in Los Angeles, they also picketed an Episcopal church, aLutheran church and a mosque.
My guess is that they picked Shalhevet largely because of its convenience.
Mrs. Jackie Fishman • Feb 27, 2017 at 10:34 pm
I’m not doing well at the moment (to say the least), after just hearing about what is going on with these hate groups — not close to home, but at my grandchildren’s school; plus!!!! I understand there are armed guards now at all Jewish synagogues and schools, and all JCC’s, etc., and this article states how Shelhevet sudents couldn’t even go to school, today, until the protest ended. I don’t understand how permits are given for such hatreds; and our children/grandchildren have to live in fear because of such. Please read the attached article…
Mrs. Jackie Fishman, Camarillo
David schlacht • Feb 27, 2017 at 6:11 pm
They will also be at aipac for several days in Washington DC