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Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

NEW: Ms. Sarah Emerson, has taken over as of last week. She is
the sister of YULA Boys Head of School.

New Executive Director has background in corporate law

By Ma’ayan Waldman, Co-Editor-in-Chief
January 11, 2017

Ms. Sarah Emerson Helfand, former Cedars-Sina Medical Center Senior Development Officer and the sister of Rabbi Dov Emerson, the...

Sparks don’t quite fly as leaders of two branches of Modern Orthodoxy face off  at Shalhevet Institute

Sparks don’t quite fly as leaders of two branches of Modern Orthodoxy face off at Shalhevet Institute

By Zev Kent, Senior Editor
January 7, 2017

Despite its title, “Disagreement Without Division” turned out to have very little disagreement. Rabbi Jeremy Weider and Rabbi...

Rare Talmud Siyum Shows Varied Styles of Learning

By Mati Hurwitz, Torah Editor
September 9, 2012

Why was only one Shalhevet student -- the author of this article -- at the Daf Yomi Siyum Hashas, held at the Dorothy Chandler...

PLAYING: Young Haredi boys grow their payot long and their tzitzit out.

HAREDI: Behind the label is a world apart

By Leila Miller, Editor-in-Chief
June 14, 2012

Many girls at Bais Yaakov – an all-girls Haredi high school in West Hollywood – don’t know who Brad Pitt or Justin Bieber...

Rabbis of the three leading Modern Orthodox shuls shared a light moment during an otherwise intense discussion of issues ranging from how to treat gays to skateboards on Shabbat. From left, Rabbi Elazar Muskin of Young Israel of Century City; Rabbi Yosef Kanefsky of B'nai David-Judea; and Rabbi Kalman Topp of Beth Jacob.

Local rabbis apply Modern Orthodoxy to tough issues

By Leila Miller, Outside News Editor
January 2, 2011

At a first-ever school Modern Orthodoxy symposium, three rabbis who lead shuls that are home to many Shalhevet families captured...

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