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Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

All content by Yael Schechter
LEARN: Rabbi Simon bar Yochai and his son studied in a cave for 12 years, fed only by a carob tree outside.

Lag B’Omer: Plagues and renewal, then and now

By Yael Schechter, 11th Grade
May 19, 2022

Lag BaOmer is a joyous holiday that takes place on the 33rd day of the omer – the 49-day period between Passover and Shavuot,...

COUNTRIES: Shalhevet’s debaters represented Israel and Japan at last month’s Yeshiva University Model UN conference, held Feb. 14-15 over Zoom. Dr. Harris took this screen shot of a team meeting just before the conference began.

Moving screens, louder voices and ‘breakout’ committee rooms as debate teams move online

By Gabriella Gomperts and Yael Schechter
March 3, 2021

Shalhevet’s Model Congress, Mock Trial and Model UN teams have all competed virtually this year due to Covid-19. And though...

SAFETY: Dr. Josh Sharfman taught Computer Science in the Wildfire Theater during the first week of the summer classes. Desks were spaced six feet apart, and new plexiglass shields aimed to keep students’ air to themselves.

For the Shalhevet building, spring vacation ended in summer

By Benjamin Gamson and Yael Schechter
September 6, 2020

The Shalhevet campus came back to life this summer as students filled the science lab, theatre, cafeteria and room 216 for...

IDF: Gabrielle Urman hopes to train fighter dogs in the IDF as service to Israel.

Gabrielle Urman: Serving the country I love

By Yael Schechter, Ninth Grade
June 3, 2020

“When I graduate high school I want to go to the Israeli army. My dad always wanted me to go and I never really wanted to, but...

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