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Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

All content by The Boiling Point Editorial Board
VOTE: Except for just minutes before voting,  there were no active campaigns for Just Community representatives last October.  Above, 10th-graders watched a candidate's video.

EDITORIAL: Elections – We can do better

By The Boiling Point Editorial Board
January 30, 2024

From absolutely no campaigning by any candidates in any grades to voting links that allowed unlimited submissions, there was no...

Students say they are using ChatGPT primarily for convenience, but AI's true capabilities tell a different story.

EDITORIAL: ChatGPT – Beware the price of convenience

“Write me a five-paragraph scholarly essay on the American Revolution.” “Summarize Act 3 Scene 2 in Romeo and Juliet.” “Solve...

The Jewish Journal's story on the Shalhevet-Buena Park game had consequences that made matters worse.

EDITORIAL: When journalism goes wrong

“Antisemitic Incident Reported at Shalhevet Girls Basketball Game” was the headline attached to an article published by the...

How can we expect participation in the Just Community when half the school doesn't understand what it is?

EDITORIAL: It’s time to re-teach the Just Community

By The Boiling Point Editorial Board
January 25, 2022

The Just Community.  It’s time to talk about it.  At a recent Town Hall, Evan Beller asked rhetorically whether underclassmen...

FIT: Which one are you? The right way to wear a mask is covering your nose, not your neck.

EDITORIAL: Masks work. We should know.

By The Boiling Point Editorial Board
October 27, 2021

On Aug. 23, three days before the start of school, the Boiling Point Editorial Board met with Rabbi Block for two hours in his...

The early-morning Hashkama Minyan, started in 2013, had grown to be the most popular prayer service on campus, sometimes with more than 100 people attending at 7:20 a.m.

EDITORIAL: Let Town Hall vote on Hashkama Minyan

By The Boiling Point Editorial Board
October 10, 2021

Hashkama Minyan is a prime example of what sets Shalhevet apart from other high schools: a completely student-initiated, student-run...

TEST: The Fairness Committee ruled that if more than 10 boys are caught out of dress code before the end of the school year, jeans and long sleeves will not be allowed next school year

EDITORIAL: In dress code controversy, who should decide?

Considering the numerous student opinions voiced on Schoology and intense debates between students and Rabbi Schwarzberg in the...

TURNOUT: Seniors Joey Blumofe and Ean Fish were among three seniors who attended in-person school on Monday, Jan. 11.

EDITORIAL: Stay open, stay home

By the Boiling Point Editorial Board
January 23, 2021

Three seniors, nine juniors and seven sophomores attended their grades' classes on campus for at least part of the day Jan. 11-14,...

OPINION: Leaders of four high schools show how it should be done

By The Boiling Point Editorial Board
January 12, 2017

Clothes are for sale. Cars are too. But enrollment slots in schools are most definitely not. Shalhevet’s increasing applicant...

OPINION: LGBT pledge: A moment of opportunity for all of us

By The Boiling Point Editorial Board
October 16, 2016

The Boiling Point wholeheartedly commends Rabbi Segal and the board for pioneering LGBT support within the greater Modern Orthodox...

OPINION: What we would have said at Town Hall

For a while in late February, a major Just Community discussion took place around The Boiling Point – starting with a Town Hall...

OPINION: A pledge, and a challenge, on binge drinking

Most of the Editorial Board was in New York during the Town Hall discussion regarding alcohol, parties and safety. Specifically,...

Sharing the building, but not the decision

By The Boiling Point Editorial Board
September 19, 2015
When news came that Ikar would be using our new building forTuesday afternoon Hebrew school and religious services, it was only natural to cringe. Ikar is associated with our dreadful days spent at the cramped, hot, and locker-less JCC.

Safety is everyone’s responsibility

By The Boiling Point Editorial Board
September 13, 2015
You’re parked on Barrows Drive and it’s two minutes before class. You make some mental calculations: it would take four minutes to run up to Fairfax and cross at the light, or it would take one minute to simply dash across the street while traffic is stopped. It’s clear which one is faster, but it’s also clear which one is right.

When the work isn’t yours

By The Boiling Point Editorial Board
December 22, 2011

This story won Honorable Mention for Editorial Writing in the national Gold Circle competition of the Columbia Scholastic Press...

The missing voice

By The Boiling Point Editorial Board
December 22, 2011

Our Judaic staff had been talking about it for weeks, and our principal had prepped us: Shalhevet was going to host, for a second...

Paint with optimism

The smell of new paint lingers in the hallways, walls have been  knocked down between classrooms, and there are new conference...

This year, a real community

By The Boiling Point Editorial Board
December 31, 2010

We teenagers love to complain. We complain about homework, food, fellow teenagers and pretty much anything else that can possibly...

The usual dilemma, this time by sea

In another episode of “As the World Turns (Against Israel),” the state faces more condemnation from global leaders in response...

A stronger school, but broken-hearted

When Rabbi Weinbach abruptly announced his resignation – at first effective immediately, then effective at the end of the year...

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