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Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Jacob Ellenhorn

Jacob Ellenhorn, Co-Editor Emeritus

Almost everyone knew that Jacob Ellenhorn had a talent for being a critic when he inadvertently pointed out the the flaws in his first grade Siddur play.  Later he expressed his abilities as the in-house arts and entertainment critic and served at various points as staff writer, Communitiy Editor, and Arts & Entertainment editor, where he added "Entertainment" to the title and to the section's content A connoisseur of the finer things in life, Jacob was also involved with Model Congress and runs the Shalhevet Student Store, in which capacity he contributed significantly to the fundraising goal for his senior class’s Poland-Israel trip.

Jacob was Co-Editor-in Chief of the Boiling Point during the fall semester of 2012.  He is now a sophomore at USC, where he is president of the USC College Republicans,  a senator in the university's Undergraduate Student Government, and Executive Intern at the Republican Jewish Coalition.


All content by Jacob Ellenhorn

Tight squeeze for parking and P.E. next year as campus shrinks for construction

By Jacob Ellenhorn, Co-Editor-in-Chief
January 25, 2013

With the hubbub of bustling construction going on next door, Shalhevet classes next year will be held in the part of the property...

2 Boiling Points of View: To stop America’s decline, Romney for President

By Jacob Ellenhorn, Co-Editor-in-Chief
November 5, 2012

With unemployment at 7.8 percent, 47 percent of American citizens not paying taxes because they do not fall into a tax bracket,...

Math Department shakeup: Dr. Sorace replaced by Ms. Segal and a new teacher, Ms. Levy

By Jacob Ellenhorn, Co-Editor-in-Chief
October 11, 2012

After just five weeks of teaching at Shalhevet, math teacher Dr. Ron Sorace was replaced by two other teachers this week at...

Everything South of Reception Hallway to Become Apartment Complex

By Jacob Ellenhorn, Co-Editor-in-Chief
September 1, 2012

By Jacob Ellenhorn, Co-Editor-in-Chief Shalhevet has found a buyer for the southern half of the school property, officials...

New mortgage, new rate, new building? Plan could sell south half of campus to rebuild north.

By Jacob Ellenhorn, Community Editor
March 27, 2012

Shalhevet’s board and administration are considering selling the south part of the school’s property and using the proceeds...

New science teacher Dr. Katya Gudis is gone, replaced by Mr. Sean Kangataran

New science teacher Dr. Katya Gudis is gone, replaced by Mr. Sean Kangataran

By Jacob Ellenhorn, Community Editor
February 15, 2012

After just two weeks teaching Biology and Physiology, Dr. Katya Gudis did not return this week and on Wednesday was replaced by...

New Bio teacher Dr. Katya Gudis wants students and science to connect

By Jacob Ellenhorn, Community Editor
January 31, 2012

While Shalhevet students were on a much-awaited weeklong vacation, Dr. Katya Gudis was busy setting up Biology and Physiology...

Ms. Rosales has resigned, will pursue degree in nursing

By Jacob Ellenhorn, Arts & Entertainment Editor
January 1, 2012

Science teacher Ms. Mari Rosales officially resigned this morning and will not be returning when school resumes tomorrow. In...

Ms. Rosales is leaving Shalhevet

By Jacob Ellenhorn, Arts & Entertainment Editor
January 1, 2012

The Boiling Point has learned that science teacher Ms. Mari Rosales is unexpectedly leaving Shalhevet after more than three years...

Drama Review: Confined to mere stage, a classic novel comes alive

By Jacob Ellenhorn, Arts & Entertainment Editor
December 23, 2011

Pride and Prejudice, the latest Shalhevet production, is an adaptation of Jane Austen’s beloved novel and a very ambitious undertaking...

Muppets movie is latest chapter in a madcap love affair

By Jacob Ellenhorn, Arts & Entertainment Editor
December 22, 2011

I am not such a curmudgeon that I would automatically reject what the Muppet movie offers: joy and laughter.  To deny that The...

At LACMA, homage to a familiar aesthetic

By Jacob Ellenhorn, Arts & Entertainment Editor
December 22, 2011

The great American tradition of consumerism known as Black Friday does not have to involve shopping. Instead, I took in the newest...

Home Cooking: You can understand crepes

By Jacob Ellenhorn, Arts & Entertainment Editor
November 7, 2011

Crepes are misunderstood. It could be because they’re French and people often think that anything French is immediately pretentious...

Burgers Bar is latest Israeli import on Pico

By Jacob Ellenhorn, Arts & Entertainment Editor
November 7, 2011

New kosher restaurants on Pico’s Kosher Row are just popping up.  The latest is a popular Israeli restaurant adapted to America,...

Off the beaten path, luxurious hipster minimalism

By Jacob Ellenhorn, Arts & Entertainment Editor
November 7, 2011

If you are lucky enough to visit Jerusalem, let me suggest that you stay at the Mamilla Hotel.  Straddling the neighborhood between...

Deep discussions on the ‘why’ of halacha

By Jacob Ellenhorn, Arts Editor
June 29, 2011

After two years teaching Chumash and Gemarah at Shalhevet, Rabbi Rodney Feinerman is headed to Philadelphia to teach at Kohelet...

Lady Gaga’s “Monster Ball:” Scream-talk-talk…yawn

By Jacob Ellenhorn, Arts Editor
June 3, 2011

I finally was able to see Lady Gaga in concert, so okay I wasn’t actually in the first row. Nor was I at the back of the stadium...

The Beatles: True genius or hype?

By Jacob Ellenhorn, Arts Editor
April 20, 2011

I am not a fan of the Beatles or their music.  It’s not like I haven’t tried to like them.  Believe me, I tried, my parents...

Liz Taylor: Lackluster acting, but very beautiful

By Jacob Ellenhorn, Arts Editor
April 18, 2011

Elizabeth Taylor was not a stellar actress.  Now that my opinion of her acting skills has been offered, I feel sufficiently unburdened...

Visual decadence, and lots of cheese…

By Jacob Ellenhorn, Arts Editor
March 11, 2011

When you see “26,”  a new dairy restaurant on Pico’s kosher restaurant row, you immediately understand that owner Geoffrey...

An evening of song and Chanukah cheer

An evening of song and Chanukah cheer

By Jacob Ellenhorn, Staff Writer
December 31, 2010

The boundless Shalhevet spirit was alive and well on display the seventh night of Chanukah. An audience of families, faculty and...

MOVIE REVIEW: Chinese dancer’s story is a tale for all immigrants

MOVIE REVIEW: Chinese dancer’s story is a tale for all immigrants

By Jacob Ellenhorn, Staff Writer
October 29, 2010

Mao’s Last Dancer is a biopic of Li Cunxin, the Chinese dancer who boldly defected to America in 1979. Directed by Bruce Beresford,...

The Great Grease Sing-Along: A cultural icon, repackaged and recession-proof

By Jacob Ellenhorn, Staff Writer
August 30, 2010

What’s a guy to do on a summer Saturday Night in Las Vegas? Drag his middle-aged parents and younger siblings to see the Grease...

Summer's top 10 must-views: classic TV shows of the '70s

Summer’s top 10 must-views: classic TV shows of the ’70s

By Jacob Ellenhorn, Staff Writer
June 29, 2010

I’ve seen Top 10 lists before and they usually seem like they were thrown together haphazardly in order to meet an editor’s...

‘Date Night’ wastes some very funny actors

By Jacob Ellenhorn, Staff Writer
May 23, 2010

Date Night, the much hyped movie, manages the extraordinary feat of wasting the comedic talents of Steve Carrel and Tina Fey. ...

Disney Hall concert surprises a freshman working on his final

By Jacob Ellenhorn, 9th Grade
March 18, 2010

Knowing that it was for a class and knowing that I yawn at the mere mention of classical music, my Concert Report for Music Appreciation...

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