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Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

Shalhevet news online: When we know it, you'll know it

The Boiling Point

All content by BP Photo by Honor Fuchs
DEBATE: Candidates disagreed and agreed on a myriad of topics including the Just Community constitution, how they would represent the student body, and how to improve Town Hall.

DEBATE: Candidates disagreed and agreed on a myriad of topics including the Just Community constitution, how they would represent...

DEBATE: Candidates disagreed and agreed on a myriad of topics including the Just Community constitution, how they would represent the student body, and how to improve Town Hall.

DEBATE: Candidates disagreed and agreed on a myriad of topics including the Just Community constitution, how they would represent...

CHAIR: In his last week as head of the Agenda committee, Bennett voted in favor of instant runoff voting, citing its efficiency and representation in comparison to other voting  systems.

[Photo] Agenda Chair will be chosen in new ‘instant runoff’ election, committee decides

By Zev Kent, Senior Editor
April 28, 2017

CHAIR: In his last week as head of the Agenda committee, Bennett voted in favor of instant runoff voting, citing its efficiency...

NEW: Ms. Sarah Emerson, has taken over as of last week. She is
the sister of YULA Boys Head of School.

[Photo] New Executive Director has background in corporate law

By Ma’ayan Waldman, Co-Editor-in-Chief
January 11, 2017

NEW: Ms. Sarah Emerson, has taken over as of last week. She is the sister of YULA Boys Head of School.

DIVISION: Rabbi Jeremy Wieder, left, and Rabbi Asher Lopatin agreed on most topics, but disagreed as to whether outdated laws must be challenged but obeyed or considered for innovation.

[Photo] Sparks don’t quite fly as leaders of two branches of Modern Orthodoxy face off at Shalhevet Institute

By Zev Kent, Senior Editor
January 7, 2017

DIVISION: Rabbi Jeremy Wieder, left, and Rabbi Asher Lopatin agreed on most topics, but disagreed as to whether outdated laws...

SOAR: Firehawk Mascot Eli Greenberg shows the meaning of ruach (spirit) even without his bird mask. The Glouberman Tournament included seven new teams this year from Los Angeles to Israel to compete in memory of almuni parent Steve Glouberman. See stories on pages 21 and 22.

[Photo] Different teams, same spirit in second annual Glouberman tournament

By Clara Sandler, Sports Editor
January 2, 2017

SOAR: Firehawk Mascot Eli Greenberg shows the meaning of ruach (spirit) even without his bird mask. The Glouberman Tournament...

NEW HEIGHTS: Freshmen, here on the roof the first week of school, should remember to be themselves and take their time

[Photo] Dear Freshmen

By Aidel Townsley, Staff Writer
October 10, 2016

NEW HEIGHTS: Freshmen, here on the roof the first week of school, should remember to be themselves and take their time

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