Intellect and nuance

January 27, 2020

I didn’t grow up in LA and truth of the matter is that during peak Kobe years I was in yeshiva mode and didn’t watch or follow the NBA avidly. I’m a sports fan and you’re always aware of the great ones, but I can’t say that I ever fully appreciated the night in, night out Kobe Bryant box score, certainly in the way I appreciated Jordan’s when I was a kid.

What amazed me, however, about Kobe were his interviews. Kobe spoke with such eloquence and sophistication no matter what question the media threw at him. He always seemed so smart and cerebral, and aside from his talent it was clear that his intellect was part of his greatness. 

I have one memory of Kobe being interviewed by the international media after a Finals win, maybe even after the championship game, and Kobe responded to the question in Italian. I was so taken aback by it. A — the fact that he was multi-lingual, and B — that he had the presence of mind and the courtesy to retrieve that language skill in that moment. It felt classy, intelligent and thoughtful. I know that Kobe’s legacy, like most people’s, is complicated, but I found myself reminiscing today about that nuance of Kobe, something that seems unrivaled in The League. 

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