PROJECT: Ms. Jasmine Ezagui previously worked as a pastry chef in Israel and was also an office manager for a fundraising platform in Brooklyn.
New projects manager was a pastry chef in Israel
Organizing some of Shalhevet’s special events this year is Ms. Jasmine Ezagui, the school’s new Project Manager, who has taken over Nachum Joel’s old office and will be helping with the Glouberman Basketball Tournament and other special events.
Ms. Ezagui, who heard about Shalhevet from Mr. Joel because they are neighbors, looks forward to doing behind-the-scenes work and making sure that events run smoothly.
“It is just the behind-the-scenes to make sure that everything is streamlining and everything is coming together the way it is supposed to,” said Ms. Ezagui. “It’s a whole team affair, so it’s just making sure that everybody is keeping to date with their deadlines.”
Ms. Ezagui has experience with project-managing that may ironically seem pretty similar to her former profession — as a pastry chef in Israel.
Like running a bakery, Shalhevet projects involve working in a coordinated team, putting together joyous experiences for others. And as with baking fine pastry, sometimes timing is everything.
“As a project manager, I need to complete whatever projects I start,” Ms. Ezagui said. “I used to be a pastry chef, so I enjoy that still.”
Ms. Ezagui was born and raised in Florida, but her family made aliyah when she was a teenager and she lived in Israel.
“I worked at a couple of bakeries, I would say the most notable [was] the King David Hotel,” she said. “I had a passion for food in general and I ended up veering into pastry specifically and I loved it. And then it became a little physically taxing so I bowed out gracefully.”
She then moved to Brooklyn, where she was an office manager for a fundraising platform for three years.
She said she enjoys trying new things and likes “anything physical,” including dance classes, workout classes, and hiking.
She also shared with the Boiling Point that even though she can be seen as outgoing, she still describes herself as an introvert. She hopes to spread light and happiness throughout the school.
“I enjoy life and always try to have fun,” said Ms. Ezagui.
The first major event that she will be organizing is the Steve Glouberman Memorial Basketball Tournament, which is coming up on Nov, 3.
She said her main goal is to stay on top of everything and just have a smooth school year.