February 16, 2021

Last Friday Shalhevet completed its first week of on-campus learning offered to two grades at a time, meaning that each grade was allowed on campus for two days a week instead of one. On Monday and Tuesday, ninth and 10th grade attended campus while 11th and 12th grades attended on Wednesday and Thursday. 


Shalhevet was planning to host Covid-19 testing on campus for students Wednesday and Thursday mornings of this week. However, Chief Operating Officer Sarah Emerson sent out an email this afternoon (Feb. 16) postponing the testing due to a scheduling conflict. It would have been only the second time school required testing as a condition of attendance in person.


Additionally, at Town Hall last Friday, Principal Daniel Weslow announced that students attending Zoom-only General Studies classes while on campus may not share a computer, as it does not allow for proper social distancing. Students had been doing this partly to cope with unstable internet connections caused by so many people at once following classes on Zoom. School IT Director Mr. Nick Parsons said disconnecting phones from WiFi, physically spreading out, and adding additional outdoor WiFi access points will help with this problem. 

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