IDF: Gabrielle Urman hopes to train fighter dogs in the IDF as service to Israel.
Gabrielle Urman: Serving the country I love
“When I graduate high school I want to go to the Israeli army. My dad always wanted me to go and I never really wanted to, but now it’s like a passion of mine and a dream to go. I’m not interested in fighting so I’m not scared. I’m interested in training the fighter dogs, because I know somebody who did that and had an amazing experience, and it seems like something I would work well with. I have a German shepherd at home so I work well with big dogs and I’ve trained her to do a lot of tricks, so I know how to train dogs well. I don’t want to just sit by and just talk about my pride in Israel, I want to take action. My parents did not, and my dad says it’s one of his biggest regrets — not going.”